Tuesday 13 September 2016

Signs That a Rented Apartment will suffer flood challenge.

One of the things that a tenant should enjoy in the rented apartment is  dry and decent environment. The money paid  for an apartment should  actually account for that purpose pending when you will decide to relocate.

Often times one of the things that force people to relocate among other things is a flooded environment.
we should be candid with ourselves, we  enjoy water when it flows from the tap or from a shower for a bath. But when it over flows it could be alarming and a times destructive.
Flood can cause electrocuting:  when conductor carrying current is submerge in the  water. This could be very disheartened. therefore to be fore harm is to be forewarned. Do not exchange your hard earned for  worthless  facility.
If you  will want to enjoy your rent in a  dry environment take this information seriously.
The topography of every environment is a major cause of flood in a vicinity couple with the layout and poor drainage system. If the  low ground has a good drainage system, the flood challenge could be averted.

what are the signs that a surrounding is likely  be flooded  during a heavy down  pour?
 1) One of the signs, When  there is a constant stagnant  brown water in the gutter even during the period of less rain then let this suggest to you that you are in for some sort.  The picture painted here is very peculiar to places located in the South-south and South- west Nigeria

 2) Another sign that people may not consider is the flora made up of the neighborhood. When you  see thick collection of green Algae and some other aquatic plants at the lower part of the brick work stop and ask question about the flooding situation of that surrounding.

3) Always survey the surrounding to make sure that  road level is not many inches higher than the  facility's doorpost. This is because should this be the case on a day of a very heavy down pour, the water current on the road will likely be directed to the doorpost whereby forcing excess water from the road to flow into the facility you want to acquire for yourself
4) Lastly feel that the wall is not moist at all times

Add some other signs that we have omitted on the comment 

We have decent (2) Bedroom Flat for sale  at Ikeja- Lagos Nigeria    contact us through the e-mail on this site.          

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