Monday 12 September 2016

Nigerians React to Sultan's comment on Herdsmen saga

The Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar III, says so called Fulani herdsmen moving with guns, causing violence, fighting with farmers are not Nigerians, but foreign terrorists.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Abubakar said this in his Eid el-Kabir message to the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria.

According to him, these are foreigners coming into Nigeria to cause a breach of the peace.
“They are therefore terrorists and should be treated as such by the Nigerian security agencies.
“The Nigerian herdsmen are very peace-loving and law abiding,” he said.
The Sultan, who noted with concern that some ‘‘bad eggs” had infiltrated the Fulani herdsmen, challenged the security agencies to be proactive.
Mr. Abubakar, however, acknowledged that there were problems between the Fulani herdsmen and the farmers, which should only be resolved through dialogue.
He stressed the need for all Nigerians to live peacefully with each other, irrespective of any religious or ethnic differences. Some Nigerians have reacted calling on the security agencies in the country to rise to the challenge.

Okokondem says

We often let our biases get in the way of constructive reasoning. Disregard the platitudes and the ill informed advice that Nigerians should go back to the farm as if that is a magic bullet to solve all of the country's problems. Concentrate on the part of the Sultan's speech that is actionable.

In a development such as this where the Sultan has unequivocally declared the herdsmen as terrorist and in essence challenged the country's security forces to view them as such, that is a positive development in my opinion.

The reason the herdsmen have been rampaging with impunity is the security forces are reluctant or even afraid to intervene for fear of not knowing how such intervention might be received by the northern authorities such as the Sultan. But that's not an issue any more now that the Sultan has declared the activists herdsmen as terrorists.

The security forces or agents of the government can now go to any community where the herdsmen are perceived as nuisance and legitimately treat them as terrorists.

That's my takeaway from the Sultan's speech.
The time has come that peace will return to Nigeria  since all foreigner will be treated as one. Also, Proper monitoring will put in place to check the activities of this foreign herdsmen 


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