Saturday 26 December 2015

Turkish President talk a man out of jumping off a bridge

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan​ has been credited with talking a man out of jumping off a bridge in Istanbul, saving his life.
Mr Erdogan’s office said the President talked Vezir Cakras out of taking his own life on Christmas Day. Television footage showed Mr Erdogan’s motorcade stopping on Istanbul’s Bosphorus Bridge where a man was apparently contemplating jumping off. An official from Mr Erdogan’s office told The Associated Press Mr Cakras was depressed because of “family issues”.
The news comes after Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu​ on Thursday accused the head of Turkey’s pro-Kurdish opposition party of treason for using a trip to Moscow to condemn Ankara’s shooting down of a Russian warplane over Syria
​Selahattin Demirtas, co-head of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on Wednesday and criticised Ankara for shooting down the warplane near the border with Syria last month. Moscow denies it had entered Turkish airspace.
“They take sides with whoever Turkey is facing a crisis with. Demirtas saying in Moscow that Turkey’s downing of Russian jet was wrong is a total disgrace and treason,” Mr Davutoglu told a meeting of businessmen in Ankara.
“Our main duty is to raise our voice against Russian cruelty. Supporting Russia while it kills civilians in Syria is treason not only against this country, but also against humanity.”
Kurdish politicians have accused Ankara of focusing military efforts on Kurdish militia in Iraq and Syria and failing to take up the fight with Islamic State.
Russia, which imposed economic sanctions on Turkey after the November 24 incident, has sharply criticised Mr Erdogan. It would be keenly aware of the sensitivity of Ankara to any contacts between Moscow and Kurdish politicians.
Mr Erdogan has accused the HDP, the second-largest opposition party in Turkey’s parliament, of connections with armed Kurdish rebels fighting in Turkey’s south-east.
Mr Lavrov told Mr Demirtas that Russia was ready to co-operate closely with ethnic Kurds fighting against IS militants in Iraq and Syria.


Police partner local hunters for security in OgunThe Ogun Police Command says it is ready to partner with local hunters to provide adequate security in the state.
The Police Commissioner in the state, Abdulmajid Ali, said this on Saturday while addressing the hunters at Odeda Police Divisional Headquarters in Odeda Council Area of the state.
Ali said the police had concluded plans to incorporate the hunters and other relevant groups in its security network for more effective policing of the state.
He said no serious police formation would jettison or underrate the role of hunters in intelligence gathering and effective policing of the community.
He assured the hunters of adequate support and protection if they (hunters) were law-abiding and operated within the ambit of the law.
Mr Kunle Ogundairo, Chairman, Odeda Zone Ogun Hunters’ Association, thanked the police for recognising the role of hunters in the provision of security in the area.


Boko HaramAt least 14 people were killed and several others injured by Boko Haram gunmen in a Christmas Day attack on a village in northeastern Nigeria, vigilantes said Saturday.

Attacking astride bicycles, the jihadists invaded Kimba village in flashpoint Borno state around 10:00 pm on Friday, opening fire on residents and torching their homes.
“The gunmen killed 14 people and burnt the whole village before they fled,” Mustapha Karimbe, a civilian assisting the military in fighting Boko Haram, told AFP
“Not a single house was spared in the arson,” another vigilante, Musa Suleiman, said after visiting the razed village.
Hundreds of Kimba residents fled to Biu nearby, where they were put up in a refugee camp already brimming with people running from Boko Haram.
The attack comes just days before Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari’s self-imposed deadline to stamp out the group expires on December 31 and in the same week he said that Nigeria has “technically” defeated the jihadists.
Buhari took office in May vowing to end the six-year insurgency that has killed over 17,000 people and spooked much-needed investors in Africa’s largest economy and foremost oil producer.
Nigerian troops have won back territory from Boko Haram, but in response the jihadists have increasingly resorted to suicide bombers — many of them young children — to wage war for an independent Islamic state.
The militants have damaged what little infrastructure existed in the country’s underdeveloped north at a time when the government is facing a cash crunch as a result of the free-falling oil price.
According to the Global Terrorism Index, a report released by the New York-based Institute for Economics and Peace, it “has become the most deadly terrorist group in the world”.
The UN children’s agency said this week that over one million Nigerian schoolchildren have been kept out of school because of the conflict, warning that the lack of education will fuel radicalisation in and around Nigeria.
The jihadists have allied themselves with the Islamic State group, but experts doubt the scale and scope of the collaboration.
Still, there are growing fears that a once localised hardline Muslim movement is morphing into a regional jihadist threat as Boko Haram launches attacks on Nigeria’s neighbours Chad, Cameroon and Niger.
Stay at home ...we are at home

Friday 25 December 2015


Would you allow your wife to go out on this outfit?


Image result for fire incidentDisaster struck on Christmas Day in Ibadan, Oyo State capital, as more than 200 shops were burnt in a major plank market at Alaro area of Sango.
According to eyewitnesses, the fire started at around 3.00pm.
However, our correspondent, who visited the scene of the incident at 7.30pm, observed as men of the state fire service tried to put out the fire, which was still raging.
Some of them expressed fear that if they failed to put out the fire, it could extend to other shops overnight.
It was learnt that the fire was fuelled by the stockpile of planks and heaps of sawdust in the market. But as of the time of filing this report, the cause of the fire had yet to be established.
Some of the marketers estimated the loss to the fire incident to be over N250m.
the goes  that one fire service truck was deployed to the market and observed as some of the traders, who feared that the fire could extend to other areas overnight, bought water to support the efforts of the fire service.
One of the traders, who gave his name as Adegoke, expressed anger at the fire service and described their efforts as “lame and inadequate”.
He said he left his shop around 2.30pm after attending to a customer who urgently needed some goods. He added that he was surprised when he received a call 30 minutes later that the market was on fire.
He said, “Since today (Friday) is Christmas, I decided to observe it at home like many of our members. But a customer called me on my mobile telephone while I was at home.
“He said he urgently needed to buy some planks, so I went to the shop. After the transaction, I closed the shop and went back home. I was still on the way when I got a call that some shops in the market had caught fire.”
He said he lost goods worth N3.5m
“I am a medium-sized trader, but there are traders here with planks and equipment worth more than N5m in their shops,” he said. Apart from the planks, several sawing machines and other logging equipment were lost in the fire.
Image result for fire incidentReacting to the incident, a trader, Afolabi, said instead of bringing more fire service trucks to the scene, only one was sent, which had to leave the scene three times to get more water.
He said, “Each time the vehicle left to refill water, we lost more shops because the fire would gain more ground. Don’t forget that this is the time of the year when there are more fire incidents. More fire service vehicles are needed to forestall possible overnight fire here. As you can see, we now pay to bring water tanker to help the fire service men.”
Meanwhile, no fewer than 79 people died in 1,638 different fire incidents in Lagos State between January and November, 2015, the state Fire Service has said.
According to a statement by the spokesman for the service, Mr. Amodu Shakiru, on Friday in Lagos, the service also rescued 99 victims in the incidents recorded within that period.
It stated that property estimated at N16.38bn were lost in the incidents.
According to the statement, properties estimated at N98.28 bn were saved during the fire operations in the period under review.


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Image result for robbery sceneThe police in Ofagbe Community, Isoko North Local Government Area, Delta State, have arrested six persons suspected to be armed robbers. The suspects were alleged to have stolen laptop, handsets, and other items in the community.
The suspects, Ejero Akporoghene, Lucky Ovie, Benson Otorh, Joseph Benson, Kingsley Odeh and Temi Nkem are alleged to belong to an armed gang that has been terrorising the community in recent times.
Confirming the arrest, the Police Public Relations Officer in the State, Mrs. Celestina Kalu, said that nemesis caught up with the suspects when they attacked and robbed a Medical Director of a popular hospital in the area including other residents while armed with guns and weapons.
She said that the suspects were arrested in synergy with the local Vigilante Group in the community as she disclosed that two locally cut-to-size guns, one live and one expended cartridge and charms in a sack of bags, were recovered from the suspected robbers.
Mrs. Kalu further said some of the victims who were robbed at the time of the operation sustained injuries from the attack and are receiving treatment in a privately owned hospital in the community while investigation is ongoing.
Meanwhile, residents of Asaba and its environs are currently living in fear following the increase of robbery incidents in the last two weeks.
A victim, Pau Osawe,  said he was robbed by the rampaging robbers at gun point where he parked his car at the premises of Ultimate Taste Eatries along Nnebisi Road, Opposite Asaba Township Stadium. It was gathered that before he came out of his car, a robbery syndicate believed to have ambushed him, swooped on him in his attempt to drive out of the premises at gun point and dispossess him of his estimated cash of N80, 000
Another victim, Victoria Okeh, who claimed to have lost her bag including handsets and recharge cards of various networks, said the armed suspects swooped on her last Wednesday on her way home after church service. She said, “They pointed a gun at me and took away all my belongings including a bag containing recharge cards of different networks with some money.”
However, Mrs. Celestina Kalu, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state assured Deltans of the Police’s efforts with a view to bringing the hoodlums to book.





Fellow Akwaibomites,
This is a season of love, of unity, of brotherhood and of goodwill to mankind. My wife, Her Excellency, Mrs. Martha Udom Emmanuel and I send you our warm greetings on the occasion of the birth of our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ.
For some time now, the chord that has bound us as one indivisible people who are joined together and driven by a shared destiny has been challenged and put to test by the ambitions and naked desire of a few people who do not, and have never wished you well.

As we celebrate the Birth of Christ, let us collectively reject the plans of those people who want to return us to the dark days of slavery and servitude; let us collectively tell those people that the people of Akwaabasi Ibom state are free people and that we are not ready to allow outsiders, people who had underestimated us, fed on our commonwealth, who had reduced us to gatemen, cooks, houseboys and house girls to return us to those dark and tearful days.
Tell them that there is no vacancy in Hilltop Mansion, that you had elected a Governor on April 11, 2015 and that the Governor is working for the people. Tell them that you don’t want to return to the days when you could barely enjoy electricity for two hours, tell them that you now enjoy electricity up to 18 hours a day and that Governor Udom Emmanuel made that possible. Tell them that you say “NO” to people who had signed an agreement with outsiders to come and take our money to develop their areas while our people man the gates of their palatial homes.
Tell them that our money belongs to Akwa ibom people, and that we will use the money to create industries that will provide jobs to our youths, our mothers and fathers. Tell them that the Akwaabasi Ibom people are proud and great people, that we have arisen to the fate of our greatness, and that Akwaibom person is as good as any other person anywhere in the world. Tell them that we will not allow the ambitions of an individual to poison the waters of unity.
The Akwa Ibom Project fellow Akwaibomites is on the RIGHT path, and as your Governor, I pledge to do right by you, to work to improve your living conditions, to continue to make you feel great and proud to be an Akwa Ibom person. We will create jobs through rapid industrialization of our state; we will create opportunities for our people to be comfortable, to earn a living instead of begging for a living. This is the task you gave me on April 11, and as we celebrate the Birth of Christ, we will equally continue to celebrate the ascendance of the Akwa Ibom spirit, our ‘can-do’ spirit while eschewing those tendencies that seek to divide us. Akwa Ibom ema edekkakadda and nothing will take us back to the days of slavery and servitude.
Thank you for the support you have given my administration for the past almost seven months, thank you for the Divine Mandate that you freely gave on April 11, 2015. Merry Christmas to you all and God bless Akwa Abasi Ibom State, God bless Nigeria.


Image result for expectant motherI am an expectant  mother, in the next (3) three month, my first   child would have been on planet  earth living. But I am very disturb  and wouldn't  want anything hazardous  to happen to my unborn baby.
Earnestly , I love to be a mother, but the  turn of event  made me  always sit up and ask myself where I have got it wrong.  I place premium to nothing in life than my family. My mother taught  us how to be homely, therefore I would love to take care and nurture  my home the way my mother did to me.
My name is Kemi.  Second in the family of six children all females. We are from a monogamy family. My parent are disciplinary, now in their 70s and 80s. I am 38, a graduate of Business Administration from one of the federal universities.  I always take considerable care before taking decision. But the choice of  Samson as my husband really beat my imagination. Would I have made mistake? I would have often time. Or is it a change of character? What is happening please  somebody should help.
Our upbringing was coherence to a simple fact that my parents pattern of life was shape toward success. I thank  God, today,  I appreciate  God for my parents. In fact when I graduated I proceeded for my second degree where I met Samson  in one of the symposia organized in the honour  of our Vice Chancellor.
I was 26 when I met him, he was 30, he happened to be a nice gentle guy back then, easy going and handsome young man. Every woman would love to spend her life with him. We were both members of the organizing committee.   I was the organizing secretary while he was the president. Our assignment brought us closed. In fact ,it was the best ever organized since the inception of that  department. This is how our relationship started. I could remember vividly the first night call we made, when I checked my phone it was 47 minutes  and it seem we have just spoken for few seconds. This was one of the events that changed the course of my reasoning.  Samson became the big picture in my life.
On completing our programme, I picked a job with  a commercial bank, now I am at the top management position. Samson returned to his family business. We were doing good. We were best of friends.  We got wedded few months after completing our course. Because I made my point clear to him, no marriage no sex. Perhaps we did not want to miss each other. We put everything in orderso to get married. I had sex experience a night after our wedding. This was the first ever experience therefore, I couldn’t sort out the difference 
Three years ago  his business crumble . Three container of gas exploded and burst into flame  bringing the entire factory into an iron  vestiges. Goods were turned into ashes. This singular event exposes the  extravagant life Samson has been living over the years. All my investment could not be accounted for. But  this couldn’t stopped me from loving him.
Now, my story begins, after the inferno, Samson’s family calls me the wizard that eats babies from my womb , trigger fire to consume , Samson’s factory. Despite my millions of investment in the business that Samson wouldn’t give account. I have done all within my power to show Samson that I care.  For six year we have being together, I have subjected myself to all manner of test  results show  that i am alright.  A number of times he has told   me all his days in school  there no lady he sleeps with, without missing her period except me. He would frighten , you better go and check yourself, because two men would not continue to stay together. I would cry, I will beg, I have been humiliated
Seven months ago  a doctor advised  that both of us subject ourselves to a test , which after a lot of pleading , begging with tears Samson accepted to come with me. Guess what?   The nitrite content in Samson semen is zero. Samson buried his face in his palms in shame. At that point I became violent . trust  a woman who has been humiliated. I sent copied of the result to whoever I could imagine matters in the situation and subjected myself to artificial insemination. Now I am six month pregnant. Have I acted folly? Will Samson accept to father this child?. Now everybody knows the truth. Do I go back to Samson? Please, someone should help!  

Please if have some confidential advice or story write:  


The Federal Government would on January 1, 2016 reduce the pump price of Premium Motor Spirit, popularly known as petrol, to N85 per litre.
The Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, broke the news to journalists at the Port Harcourt Refinery Company in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, where he spent Christmas inspecting the plant.
Asked when the Federal Government would release the new price template of the Petroleum Product Pricing Regulation Agency, Kachikwu said he approved the new price for the agency on Thursday.
Pressed to reveal when the new price will become effective, Kachikwu, who is also the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, said: “Like I said, we have done a modulation calculation and it is showing us below N87.
“I imagine that if PPPRA publishes it today, it will become effective immediately.
“But the 1st of January, that is when we are looking at.”
According to Kachikwu, the new price is below the current N87 per litre and it would now convince Nigerians that the pricing modulation that the Federal Government promised to embark on a few days ago was not a trick.
He noted that following government’s analysis and research, it has been realized that the country can fluctuate the fuel market in accordance with the crude oil market fundamentals.
Justifying government’s reasons for scrapping the Petroleum Support Fund, otherwise known as fuel subsidy, Kachikwu explained that government can no longer afford to subsidize the product following the fraud that has attended its operation.
He added that it has become clear that government earnings are dipping on daily basis.
His words: “It is out.
“I signed off on it yesterday (Thursday).
“I imagine that in the next couple of days, the marketers would get advice on that
Kachikwu submitted that from the application market realities for the pricing modulation, government has discovered that petrol would sell for either N85 or N86 per litre.
The minister recalled that it was from this axiom that President Muhammadu Buhari announced that the price of petrol remains N87 at the moment.
Kachikwu said: “But in applying that where we landed when we did the analysis for the very first time was about N85 or N86.
“So it is below N87.
“And maybe the first price that will come will reflect it.
“That was why Mr. President said that price will be N87 for now.
“And that is what we have in mind.”
On the security of the pipelines, Kachikwu said government had tried stopping the menace with military intervention to no avail before it engaged some private contractors who had worked with the majors for the crude pipeline management.
According to him, the private contractors have taken over Atlas Cove, Mosimi and they would be extending the surveillance to Ilorin, Kwara State.
More to come soon stay at home ..we are at home.


 After spending 444 days in captivity, and more than 30 years seeking restitution, the Americans taken hostage at the United States Embassy in Tehran in 1979 have finally won compensation.
Buried in the huge spending bill signed into law last Friday are provisions that would give each of the 53 hostages or their estates up to $4.4 million. Victims of other state-sponsored terrorist attacks such as the 1998 American Embassy bombings in East Africa would also be eligible for benefits under the law.
One of the hostages shown outside American embassy 1979 by A/P
More picture after the cut.
But this year, vindication came in a decision that forced the Paris-based bank BNP Paribas to pay a $9 billion penalty for violating sanctions against Iran, Sudan and Cuba. Some of that money was suddenly available for victims of state-sponsored terrorism. Congress was also motivated by many members’ anger over the Iran nuclear accord.
Some of the hostages were subject to physical and psychological torture during their long ordeal, and many regarded the thaw as frustrating and premature. the news in part.
Sickman a marine sergeant when  he was seized
more pictures
Time and time again, we thought we’d get a bill,” said David M. Roeder, a retired Air Force colonel who was an attaché at the embassy in Tehran when he was taken hostage. “We were pushing toward the goal line, and our portion would get stripped out.”
David M. Roeder when he was taken hostage1979
for great news ..Stay at home .. we are at home.


Christmas: Muslim youths, imams worhip with Christians in KadunaNo fewer than 150 Muslim youths and Imams worshipped together with Christians during Christmas service in Kaduna northern Nigeria, to strengthen peace, unity and religious tolerance in the state, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.
Pastor Yohanna Buru, the General Overseer of Christ Evangelical Intercessary Fellowship Ministry led the service in Kaduna.
He said that the prayer was to promote peaceful co-existence among different faith organisations “and to shun ethno-religious and political differences affecting the state for decades.’’
Buru said “more than 150 Muslims youths and Imams, traditional title holders and various groups attended Christmas service with their brother Christians in order to promote peace and harmony and religious tolerance across the state.
“Prayers were offered by both Muslim and Christian scholars and we also pray for the unity and development of the country.’’
The general overseer expressed satisfaction over the large number of Muslims who attended the service, as some Muslim youths protected the Church by providing security service.
He said “I am very happy with what I witnessed today; today is a very special day to all Christians all over the world,it is surprising to see that not only Christians came to worship with us today.
“We have large numbers of Muslim youths and traditional title holders who joined us in prayer; this is a clear fact that Nigerians can really be their brothers’ keepers; it is amazing.
“We all must remember that we are from same parents (Adam and Eve) and we all worship one God.
Among the traditional title holders at the prayer was Alhaji Ahmed idris, the Chika Soran Zazzau and Hakimin Unguwar Ma’a’zu, who led a team of some Muslims to the pastor’s house to congratulate him and wish Christians a Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Idris told Pastor Buru that “we are here to join our Christian brothers in prayers and to let you know that Muslims also love Jesus Christ.
“We want to enlighten you and to let you know that in Islam, whoever does not believe in Jesus Christ is not a true believer.
“We all must realise that we are from same parents and we all worship one God and we must know that there is no need for misunderstanding because we are one.’’
For more stay at home ...we are at home


The industrial town of Nnewi, Anambra State was thrown into mourning yesterday as an industrial Gas plant suddenly exploded killing four persons and injuring four others.
The explosion occurred at the Inter Corp Oil limited (LPG Gas Plant) a member of Chikason Group at about 11 am.Nnewi-Chikason
According to an eye-witness, the fire incident started when a truck was trying to discharge its contents without waiting for the mandatory cooling time. It was gathered that the tanker was discharging at a time when customers were said to be refilling their gas cylinders.
The source stated that all the customers who went to the gas plant to get a refill were allegedly burnt to ashes while some of the victims who were in the neighborhood and passers-by also got caught in the inferno. It was gathered that the rescue workers had difficulty in gaining access into the factory where majority of the victims were trapped.
The charred bodies of the victims and other badly affected burnt persons in the vicinity of the gas plant were taken to Nnamdi Azikwe University Teaching Hospital, NAUTH, Nnewi.
All efforts made to alert the Anambra state fire service of the fire incident did not succeed until damage had been done but a fire officer, Mrs Mary Ofia defended the fire service personnel in Nnewi when she claimed that the Nnewi fire truck was vandalized by angry mob when they went for an operation at Nkpor.
Apart from lives lost to the inferno, many buildings and over fifty vehicles around the gas plant were equally affected.
In his account, one of the survivors, Ikechukwu said: “My mother was preparing pepper we wanted to use to cook tomorrow after she returned from the market, the next thing we heard was the explosion that rocked the entire vicinity.
“I ran for my life and escaped with minor injury but my mother was not lucky. She was not as fast as myself and when the fire subsided a little bit, the next thing I saw was her dead body. Look at the chicken we planned to kill tomorrow for Christmas. A similar thing happened at another residence where a woman and her daughter were lucky to remain alive after suffering some degrees of burn”.
The Vice chairman of Anambra state Red Cross, Prof Peter Katchy who headed a team of Red Cross rescue operations, said that he was extremely worried about the presence of many filling stations in residential areas in the state.
He pointed out that the situation would have been worse if the affected gas plant was situated in thickly populated areas, pointing out that the Red Cross and the Anambra State Emergency Management Agency, SEMA would declare war on owners of filling stations sited at residential areas in the new year.

Stay at home ... we are at home.


Image result for bauchi airport incidentAero Contractors has insisted that the management of the Bauchi airport should be blamed for using ladder to disembark passengers at the airport last Saturday, as it was given assurance that everything was on ground for its chartered B737 -500, aircraft to land at the Bauchi airport.
Briefing journalists at its Head Office at the Murtala Muhammed Airport Lagos during the week, the Accountable Manager/Acting Managing Director, Aero Contractors, Captain Russell Foon, said that the airline communicated with the airport manager before the flight and was given clearance to come.
He added that at the arrival of the flight, it was told that the stairs had broken down.
According to him, “On Friday 18th November 2015, confirmed arrangements were made by our Head of Ground Operations, Mr. Peter Omata for the handling of the flight through the airport manager of Bauchi, Mr. Abubakar. He confirmed on many occasions the availability of the airstairs and cost”.
Lee Foon, who spoke on behalf of the airline explained that the flight, a Boeing 737-500 with registration number 5N-BLG, was chartered to take the groom of a wedding from Abuja to Bauchi.
He said that the flight was chartered last Thursday to be used for a wedding and that the airline made contact with the Bauchi Airport management repeatedly, who assured that ground handling facilities were on ground only for the aircraft to arrive in Bauchi last Saturday and be told that the equipment had broken down few minutes ago.
According to him, after some minutes on the aircraft, the passengers began to agitate and ask to be let down, and when the ladder was brought the airline captain, to avoid any unruly behavior and any incident decided against safety regulations to disembark the passengers with the ladder as he claimed the groom was a passenger of the flight.
“At 10:42 the aircraft touched down on Runway35 at Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa International Airport. The controller advised the crew that due to absence of Marshallers and no ramp officials of any sort that parking would be at their own discretion
“After parking the captain reports they waited for up to 10minutes for stairs to be brought to the aircraft but no stairs came to the aircraft. The captain reported that he informed passengers of the situation and they were beginning to become agitated. What was not known to the crew at the beginning of the flight was that the groom of the wedding was onboard the flight. The wedding was to be started in another 20minutes”, he added.
On why the airline had used the Boeing 737-500 to airlift 37 passengers to Bauchi, Foon said that for the return flight the airline had 104 passengers and that was why they did not use a smaller aircraft for the charter.
Get the latest for home we are at home .... Merry Christmas to you all 


A woman in Florida has been arrested for beating up her husband because he farted in their bed.
The 55-year-old woman identified as Dawn Meikle beat up her husband, Donald Meikle for farting too many times while they were in bed.
According to police in Port St. Lucie, officers received a domestic violence call in the wee hours of the morning
Reports say the incident began when the couple were in bed and the husband kept farting. His angry wife elbowed him and asked him to stop. She became irritated because Donald refused to stop passing gas, so she hit him several times and kicked him off the bed

He came back to bed and continued farting again so she allegedly became violent, and ripped her husband’s shirt and scratched him.
Police said that Donald Meikle had about four 6-inch scratches on the chest, and his shirt was torn in three places.
She was booked into the county jail and charged with battery.


A must read EXTRACT from Obasanjo's book MY WATCH about Atiku.
From Obasanjo’s account, it would seem that his relationship with Atiku began on a sour note:
“By the Constitution, I had to inaugurate or prorogue the National Assembly on June 4, 1999. The most important officer in the National Assembly is the senate president and that office had been zoned to the South-east. And here was where Atiku Abubakar, my vice-president, first showed his hand and his character.
“Without seeking my view or approval, he started planning the installation of Chuba Okadigbo as the senate president. I did a background check on Chuba including his past as a student and made enquiries about him in the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) under (President Shehu) Shagari and no one would recommend him for the post of senate president.
“I left Atiku to go on his chase while I carried out a meticulous and detailed investigation and background check on each senator from the South-east. The one that appeared most appointable was Evan Enwerem. I canvassed the senate across the board for his election and he was elected. Atiku did not expect it and he felt sore.
“He began to strategize for Enwerem to be removed and Chuba Okadigbo to be installed. His strategy worked because I was at Abuja airport to receive a visiting head of state when the news reached me that the Senate had impeached Enwerem and elected Okadigbo. I was not perturbed. I came to understand from some senators including Florence Ita-Giwa, who later became my Special Adviser/ Liaison Officer to the National Assembly, that Atiku distributed US$5,000 each to some senators to carry out the ‘coup’.
“That was the beginning of bribing the legislature to carry out a particular line of action to suit or satisfy the purpose or desire of an individual or a group. The National Assembly had tasted blood and they would continue to want more. From the day I nominated Atiku to be my vice, he set his mind not for any good, benefit or service of the country, but on furiously planning to upstage, supplant or remove me at all cost and to take my place.
“That was what I brought him for, but he was impatient and over-ambitious. He was not ready to learn and to wait. His marabout, who predicted that despite being elected as governor, he would not be sworn in as a governor, which happened, also assured him that he would take over from me in a matter of months rather than years.
“All his plans, appointments of people and his actions were towards the actualisation of his marabout’s prediction. Once I realised his intention and programme, I watched him like a hawk without giving any indication of what I knew and letting down my guard. I could not succumb to the distraction, diversion and malevolence of an ambitious but unwise deputy.
“The work in hand was more important than a confrontational relationship with my deputy, a man over whom I knew I had far more experience and outreach in all matters. To alert him of what I knew he was up to, would only lead to lying, denial, more mischievous plans and more duplicity on his part.
“He was better managed that way. What was important was not allowing myself to be surprised or outmanoeuvred by him. I must always seize the initiative and know what was going on if not in his mind, but at least in his camp. That I did very effectively.
“Sometime in the fourth quarter of 2004, an associate of Atiku came to my residence at the Aso Villa from Atiku’s official residence. He felt uncomfortable and I tried to make him feel at ease. Then, he settled to tell me the story of what had just transpired in Atiku’s residence. I listened with rapt attention.
“He went on to say that Atiku told him that for him to become the President of Nigeria, the 2007 elections were only a formality.
“The seven ingredients he needed for his enthronement were already in his hands. He controlled the National Assembly because both the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives were in his pocket. He controlled twenty-eight out of thirty-six governors. He had control of the media. His influence over the judiciary was overwhelming.
“What he needed was foreign endorsement and for that he had employed two lobby groups in the US and one in the UK. And finally, the money for the elections was in his purse.
“When the man finished, I thanked him without passing any comment. The man was surprised at my reaction and asked, ‘You have nothing to say to these?’ I said that I had nothing to say and I immediately called my ADC, Chris Jemitola, to play a game of squash with me.
“On our way to the squash court with my ADC, I said, ‘People at times make plans and leave God out of their plans.’ My casual remark struck Chris and he said, ‘Sir, that was a profound statement.’ I said that I made the statement because of what I had just heard of Atiku’s plan. I was not convinced he had put God in his plans.
“Atiku was confident and God was laughing. Most of Atiku’s ingredients soon started to fall out of place one by one. The first was the party, PDP.
“He thought I was powerless and had no clue about the execution of his plan with his group; part of his attack on me was for national chairman of the party to give the first salvo, then other things would follow as his grip on the party would be firm and consolidated.
“That salvo came in the form of a letter to me from the chairman of the party, Audu Ogbeh, who had fully defected with (Iyorchia) Ayu to Atiku.
“The letter, which was not the product of any issue or matter discussed with or at any party meeting, came suddenly. When I received it, I could read the sinister intention behind it.
“I spent that night writing my reply and I sent it in the morning. My reply was clear. I wondered why Atiku and his group did not realise that with my reply, the battle line was clear or maybe they thought that the seven ingredients would remain intact to the end.
“My assistants had moles within the Atiku group. Anything that they planned would be reported. That was the case after Ogbeh’s letter. They decided that Ogbeh should appear remorseful and come with the National Working Committee to apologise to me. It was not from their hearts, but to lure me to a ‘killing ground’.
“All pieces of information that were reported were verified because it would not come from only one informant.
“Timely information is a very important principle of war and also of politics. In politics, just as in war, what matters is not just your plan, but knowledge of your opponent’s plan. Knowing their plan, I had the choice of playing along with them or being firm, I chose the latter.
“I told Ogbeh that my relationship with him as national chairman and me as national leader of the party was based on mutual confidence and trust. But with his letter, my reply and what I knew of him then, I could no longer work with him in confidence and trust.
“There were only two choices left for both of us in our best interest and that of the party – he, leaves as chairman or I leave as leader of the party.
“The following Sunday, I called at his house, which I had done on several occasions in the past when there was an important party matter to discuss. This time, I asked him to give me an undated letter of resignation as the national chairman.
“I waited, he gave me but it was wrongly addressed to me rather than to the national secretary of the party as stipulated in the party’s constitution.
“Ogbeh reported to his group and it was decided by them to play on and to wait for my disgrace whenever I presented a letter of resignation not addressed to the national secretary.
“The informants did their job and I, once again, paid another visit to Ogbeh at his residence. He entertained me to a meal and drink, and changed the addressee on his letter of resignation.
“It would appear he never reported the change to his group. When I considered it opportune and appropriate, the letter was dated and presented to National Executive Committee of the party, which regrettably accepted the resignation.
“With that, whatever control Atiku claimed to have over the party began to crumble. But he did not think so and went on to boast that if I made my daughter the national chairman, it would be a matter of weeks not months before he would put her in his pocket.
“I therefore had to look for a successor chairman, who would be too big, uncompromising and inflexible to be lured and controlled by Atiku. I found such a man in Senator (Dr.) Amadu Ali, whom I had known many years earlier as a medical doctor in the army

Thursday 24 December 2015


Image result for NDDCThe Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, has inaugurated road projects in Uquo, Esit Eket Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
The 28.6km road, which was inaugurated by the former NDDC Managing Director, Mr. Dan Abia, was said to have been awarded by the commission in 2011 to JCC Construction Limited.
A statement by the commission’s media aide, Mr. Nsikan Usoro, in Uyo, said that the road links 10 communities which include Odoto Nkit, Ntak Inyang, and Afaha Ekpenedi.
The commission also inaugurated Idung Atang Edem Road leading to Idung Ekpene community also in Esit Eket.
Abia urged contractors executing all NDDC projects across the Niger Delta to be sincere and committed to their duties by delivering projects according to specifications and agreed terms.