Saturday 31 October 2015

Prof. Yakubu, new INEC Chairman

A  new Chairman, Prof. Mahmud Yakubu,
The nominees appeared before  senators at the red chambre where Yakubu pledged to Nigerians some of those things he will do as the chief electoral umpire.
A bill  to the National Assembly to amend the Electoral Act and ensure candidates of political parties emerge a year to  elections.
The success of  elections depends on the ability of the electoral body  to  plan and in advance. But in this country, we have this culture of last-minute rush. And, as a result, things are not  done early. If six months is the time limit under the law at present, definitely we will look at the possibly extension
 He said Prof. Jega has done a marvelous job in reforming the electoral system of this country. I’m not coming in for experimentation. I’m coming for consolidation.

He can’t be intimidated, that he  has the character of doing the right thing.

It is desirable and inevitable. If you look at the trajectory from the last 10 years, the voters register comes in an electronic form. Initially, it was just a register, then photographs were added. And in the last elections, photographs and biometrics were added.
So, it is inevitable that one day, we will go into electronic voting. But the experiences of other nations show that we have to tread cautiously. It is technology, if untried, untested, we may get bugged down. Is it pure electronic voting or electronic voting paper like they do in Venezuela?
We are still grappling with the problem of infrastructure either for simple ICT use in our institutions or in our places of work and homes. So, it’s desirable, inevitable, but we need to think through the implications of what we do. Otherwise, we may rush into it and just get bugged down.
There must be no room for experimentation. As far as I’m concerned, something happened in this country in 2015. And we need to consolidate on that rather than to begin new experimentation with longer span of testing the validity of the process.
Fortunately for us, at governorship level, we have staggered election by default. Very soon, it will be Kogi and Bayelsa. Thereafter, we will have Ondo, Ekiti, Osun, Edo and Anambra.
There must be a guiding principle: The workability of the technology and adequate consultation with stakeholders, the tested card reader and the challenges. Anything that is not tested will come up with challenges. The problem of technology is that it always comes with challenges.
That is inevitable. As a student of history, I know that there was a time in  this country in the First Republic when political parties had branches overseas. And we have a large number of Nigerians overseas, one estimate put it at 15million.
They remit $20billion annually in returns to the country. So, it’s desirable to have  diaspora voting. We have to quicken the process for Nigerians in diaspora to vote.
I will like to see a  commission which consults widely rather than a  commission which sits in judgement. There are mechanisms for consultation with the parties through quarterly meetings and  the  Inter Party Advisory Council (IPAC).
So, instead of making a commitment on direct or indirect primaries, we will throw that up for  consultations with the political parties, at the end of which we will come up with what best method we should adopt. I have a problem with international best practice because we can’t adopt the experiences of other jurisdictions, we can only borrow.

About 70 million Nigerians registered for the 2015 elections. 56.3 million PVCs were  distributed, 500,000  unprinted at the time of the elections, while 12.3million  were  not distributed. Instead of finding fault on why they collected PVC  in Borno and they did not collect elsewhere, I will  ensure  that, by this time next year, all the 12.3 million PVCs that were not distributed  and the  500,000 unprinted  are distributed.

There  will be no issues with regard to PVCs  collection as we will  ensure that all eligible voters get their PVCs. People  have the right to take the PVCs and not vote

Friday 30 October 2015

Donald Trump speech

 A Senator  on Friday, said the condemnation of Africans and African-Americans by a US presidential aspirant, Donald Trump, was a crude form of racism.
He  was reacting to media reports credited to the Republican Party man, said racism should never be mixed with politics, adding that politicians should not be bigots.
He however condemned   generally  that  bigotry, racism  shouldn’t  be use  in politics.
He went on to say if we have issues with people we should stick to the issues and leave a sweeping statements out of it.
He explained that such  is the crudest form of racism.
The media reports said that Trump referred to Africans as lazy fools, only good for lovemaking and thuggery.
The report also credited him as saying that if he became U.S president, he would deport all African-Americans to their countries in Africa.  As good as this would sound could the black race sit back and fashion  solution for their problem and challenges. how often do we tour their land for medical educational facilities? What's happen over here? a food for thought.


Hillary ClintonFormer US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (New York)

Martin O'MalleyFormer Governor Martin O'Malley (Maryland)

Bernie SandersUS Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)

These form the front line candidate for Democratic Party

we shall bring you more in our subsequence  posting.

Bugatti Veyron is the most expensive car

Just this past week, Floyd Mayweather dropped a hefty $3.5 million on a brand-new 2015 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse, a beast of a car that can reach a top speed of 254 mph. Clearly, purchasing a Bugatti is a pleasure only enjoyed by the wealthiest amongst the wealthy. But what makes the Bugatti so intriguing is that it’s not just an expensive car to buy, but an exorbitantly expensive car to maintain as well.
Recently, a car collector and YouTuber who goes by the name of Salomondrin detailed the immense expenses that come along with owning a Bugatti.
Right off the bat, there’s a huge tax hit. Let’s say you pick up a Bugatti for $2.4 million. If we assume a tax rate of 10%, you’re paying $240,000 extra right off the top.
But since you have to pay tax on every big-ticket purchase, let’s dive into some of the more Bugatti-specific expenses.
Want to change the tires on your brand new Bugatti? That’s $30,000 at a minimum, though the price can go up to $40,000 depending on your tire set. If you need to replace the tires and the rims as well, that will set you back $120,000.
As to why the tires are so expensive, a user on Quora explains, “Michelin had to design and manufacture tires specifically for the Veyron. They had to fit staggered rims, be rated for speeds above 250mph, handle 1.3G on the skidpad, and last a whole lot longer than the seventy miles required of race car tires.”
Tires aside, let’s talk about getting your car serviced. Well, making sure your car is running in tip-top shape will put a $30,000 hole in your wallet. An oil change alone runs at about $20,000.
Now we should point out that Bugatti does offer drivers a maintenance program where drivers can pay $50,000 up front and be covered for all maintenance and service costs for a period of three years. I never thought I’d say this, but that $50,000 quasi-insurance plan is a no-brainer.
And last but not least, we have auto insurance, which might end up costing you anywhere from $30,000 – $50,000.
With a Bugatti Veyron costing an arm and two legs, you might be wondering what makes the car so special.
Well for starters, it’s insanely fast. Not only that, but all Bugatti’s come with a specialized stability control system which enables drivers to maintain complete control over the steering wheel even at speeds higher than 180 mph. Interestingly enough, the only thing preventing the car from going faster than advertised is that Michelin’s hasn’t yet figured out a way to keep its tires from exploding once they reach a consistent speed of 270 mph.
With respect to the care and craftsmanship that goes into creating a Bugatti, the leather interior inside the car may very well be nicer than anything you’ve ever seen inside a car before. To this point, Bugatti gets its leather from cows which are specifically raised at altitudes high enough to prevent insects like mosquitos and bees from tarnishing their hides. We’re talking about premium leather to the nth degree, with not a blemish in sight.
Will you care for one? sit at Home we are at Home.

Microsoft best market Product.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella  has said thatOnce in a while, Microsoft decides to release the "Work & Play Bundle," a collection of one-year subscriptions to its best services at a steep discount.

As of today, and for a limited time, the Work & Play Bundle  is the best of Microsoft.
And for $149, you get a lot of good stuff, including subscriptions to work with. Think of it as your gateway drug to the new Microsoft.
Here's the full breakdown of the year-long subscriptions included, per the Microsoft Store listing:
  • Office 365 Home, which lets you put Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and the other Office apps on as many as 5 PCs or Macs and 5 tablets, plus a terabyte of OneDrive storage to keep all your documents. 
  • Xbox Live Gold, the premium plan for Microsoft's games service on Windows and Xbox 360/Xbox One. 
  • Skype Wi-Fi, which lets your Windows device connect to certain Microsoft-sponsored paid wireless Internet hotspots at airports, hotels, and more.
  • Unlimited phone calls around the globe with Skype.
  • Assure Support Plan, Microsoft's paid customer service plan, which lets you get unlimited support for your Windows PC or tablet on the phone, online, or at the Microsoft Store's exc
  • A $60 credit, good at either the Windows Store app market or the Xbox consoles' game store.
Given that Xbox Live Gold is a $60 annual subscription, and Office 365 is $99, that's a $10 savings just between those two. Add in that $60 credit, and it seems like a no-brainer for Xbox gamers.
If you love Microsoft, it's a heck of a deal. And if you have any of these subscriptions already, it just adds a year onto whatever you already have.
It also happens to be the perfect representation of Microsoft's master plan: Pay a subscription fee, and get access to Microsoft's whole entire cross-device ecosystem of services.
For instance, an Office 365 subscription gets you full access to all of Microsoft's apps for the iPhone and Android, including the funky experimental ones That Skype calling credit works across mobile devices and Macs, too. And Xbox Live is Microsoft's gateway drug into gaming across both Windows.

Stay at home--- we are at Home!

Wednesday 28 October 2015


Union Bank of Nigeria Plc on Tuesday unveiled a new brand identity. The bank also changed its brand mantra from "big, strong and reliable," to "building simpler, smarter bank.”
The move, according to Union Bank, was in line with it's strategic ambition to become a highly respected provider of quality financial services in Nigeria.
Speaking at the unveiling of the new identity in a ceremony held in Lagos, the Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director of Union Bank, Mr. Emeka Emuwa, said: “We believe that critical milestones we have achieved in the past three years have laid a solid foundation for us as a bank. The launch of this refreshed identity signals a new phase in Union Bank’s transformation as we set our sights on attracting a new base of customers while remaining focused on providing simple and smart banking solutions to all our customers.”
Emuwa pointed out that Union Bank had been a trusted name for Nigerians for nearly a century, saying that the bank would continue to leverage on its heritage as it embraces a rapidly changing world.
Also speaking at the event, Chairman of Union Bank, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, said: “I am very proud of the strides the bank has made during my time as Chairman and I commend the board, management and staff on their hard work over the years and I am sure the bank continue succeed as it embarks on a new phase with a refreshed brand identity.”
The highlight of the brand launch event was the unveiling of a massive replica of Union Bank’s iconic white stallion in its new form and Union Bank’s new logo.
Speaking further about the new identity, Head, Corporate Affairs & Corporate Communications, Ogochukwu Ekezie- Ekaidem said as one of the longest standing financial institutions in Nigeria, the new identity pays homage to Union Bank's past and carries with its proposition for the future.
"In developing the new identity, remaining true to our brand proposition of simplicity was foremost in our minds. Our iconic white stallion, which represents strength and passion, is now in motion, cantering forward with energy and dynamism. We have introduced a modern typeface and updated our colour to a fresher and more vibrant blue. Finally, we have included patterns to infuse a contemporary feel to the overall identity,” she concluded.
Since 2012, under the leadership of Emuwa, Union Bank began rebuilding its banking business, by redefining its business model, rebuilding its technology, physical infrastructure and re-engineering its work force.


Beautiful and busty Nollywood actress, Angela Philips, seems to have a kind of disappearing acts with the media. There was a time she disappeared into thin air and only reappeared when news was running riot that she was living in a church with her pastor. Now after a long lull, sultry Angela was seen at an event in Lagos she talked with Potpourri.
For those who have a long memory, you would have to excuse it for a minute or so. Forget Angela had told us she was a born-again Christian of high spirituality. I guess that happened to her when she met her Pastor, then “old things have passed away’ but making out of what she told Potpourri those “Old things may be things of future past”.

In the chat with Potpourri, she wasn't talking about Christ coming soon, but about nudity and sex and how it is the salt of entertainment. She even took a jibe at Nigerians, observing that Nigerians are hypocrites who love nudity but pretend not to because of some cultural and religious orientations they would sooner kick than keep.
“That’s what the public want to see, so why are they complaining? They shouldn't complain. If you shoot a movie where everyone is well dressed and covered from head to toe, nobody will buy it. They want to see naked girls. Nigerians should stop pretending. That’s what we like and those are the things that sell. Look at the musicians for instance, how many gospel songs sell? But when you look at the secular music, you’ll realize they’re making waves. Look at our music videos. Everybody likes nudity, be it in movies or music, so they should stop complaining,” she bares her mind.


 Member of the  Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and that of All Progressives Congress, APC, were, yesterday, having  different positions on the confirmation of two of 16 remaining ministerial nominees.
It was, however, learnt that Senate President Bukola Saraki was determined to weigh in on behalf of the former governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Amaechi and the ministerial nominee from Cross River State, Usani Uguru. The duo had been caught up in a grudge war mounted by PDP senators
Amaechi is held in contempt by the PDP Senate caucus for his role in the defeat of the former ruling party in the last round of elections. Uguru brought himself into the bad book of the PDP Senate caucus when, during his screening, he said “God forbid” to a question as to his membership of the PDP.
 the end of the screening of the nominees yesterday, the PDP Senate caucus held a meeting where they reportedly took a position against the confirmation of Amaechi. The senators were said to have resolved not to consider Amaechi’s nomination unless the report of the Senate Committee on Ethics and Privileges on the petitions filed against the former Rivers State governor was brought forward for consideration first.
Five nominees were screened, yesterday, bringing to an end, the exercise that commenced about three weeks ago.
The five nominees screened were former Vice-Chancellor of Imo State University, Professor Anthony Anwuka (Imo); financial expert and medical doctor, Okechukwu Enelamah (Abia); newspaper columnist, Adamu Adamu (Bauchi); former Executive Secretary of National Hajj Commission, Mohammed Musa Bello (Adamawa), and Aisha Abubakar (Sokoto).




should you have difficulty in having what you want just send us mail


The Ondo State Governor and Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party Governors’ Forum, Dr Olusegun Mimiko, has condemned the judgment of the Rivers State Election Petitions Tribunal, which nullified the victory of Governor Nyesom Wike.
The tribunal, sitting in Abuja, on Saturday, sacked the Wike, who contested the April 11 electionon the platform of the PDP and ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission to conduct fresh election in the state in the next three months.
Mimiko, while speaking with journalists in Akure, the state capital, on Monday, faulted the three-man tribunal on the grounds that its judgment was too hasty as it came less than 48 hours that both parties submitted their written addresses.
He added that the tribunal did not wait for the judgment of the Supreme Court over the issue of its jurisdiction before passing the judgment, noting that the apex court verdict would come up in a few days. But now the issue is all over as the Apex court had dismissed the suit.
He said, “Our mindset is that tribunal judgment can go either way, but the Rivers own is particularly embarrassing. We all know the circumstances surrounding the Rivers State tribunal. You recall that for unjustifiable cause, that tribunal was not allowed to sit in Port Harcourt, it was taken to Abuja. Somewhere along the line, the chairman of the Tribunal got changed. 


Former Akwa Ibom State governor and elder statesman,  Obong Victor Attah, has described the verdict of the Akwa Ibom State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal which nullified the April 11,2015 governorship polls in 18 Local Government Areas of the state as the triumph of  truth over falsehood; of right over wrong and  integrity over impunity.
The former governor said this at a press conference in Uyo. The briefing had elder statesmen and senior citizens of the state in attendance.
He noted that the tribunal “towed the path of honour and integrity and resisted all attempts to be compromised”.
He said the verdict has illuminated a new pathway for the people of the state to follow as the state inches closer to the prospect of fresh election.
“They had boasted that what money could not do, more money to the tribunal would do. But today, to their consternation, the tribunal, in the hands of righteous judges, has pronounced differently. The tribunal has entuned a dirge, very soon we will be singing the death knell to insanity for whom now the bell tolls. Akwa Ibom is at the point of being liberated! Our right to freely choose our candidates and to freely vote for those we want to govern or to represent us is about to be restored along with the right to freely criticize any leader who abuses office. This is what I had always wanted and prayed for and I thank God for answering our prayers”, he said.
Attah added that the tribunal has given Akwa Ibom people,  “a new golden chance for moral transformation and spiritual rebirth and inspired the people to stand up and vow that never again must they tolerate such evil in the state”.
“Indeed the time has come that we must create ourselves anew.  If we should fail to make the best use of this chance, we will have only ourselves to blame”, he said.

Tuesday 27 October 2015


The Ooni-designate, Prince Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, willbe in town to begin traditional rites leading to his coronation.
He  was named  on Monday   as the 51st Ooni of Ife by Osun State government to succeed Oba Okunade Sijuwade who died  on July 28, 2015 .
It was further learnt that all shops within the ancient town will be closed today as a mark of honour for the new Ooni.
Meanwhile, source has confirmed that the  rites expected to precede  entrance of an Ooni-designate into Ile Ife have been concluded, strengthening the  royal entry expectation
The Oba Isoro, Oba Eluyele Olawenu, the Lowa Eredumi of Ile Ife, who according to the tradition will handle the installation rites of the monarch, earlier said only the Ifa oracle could determine the best time for him to enter the town.
According to the tradition of Ile Ife, Ooni does not only belong to Isoro cult but also manages its affairs with the help of Obadio, the head of all deities in the town.
It was learnt that members of Isoro cult held a crucial meeting to determine the form the installation rites would take, bearing in mind the approaching all-important Olojo festival.


Mark Zuckerberg has been learning Mandarin for some time, and it seems like the Facebook founder and CEO’s language skills are picking up after he showed them off with a twenty-minute speech spoken entirely in Chinese. Since October of last year, things seem to have developed considerably. Zuckerberg’s previous efforts, quite  impressive for someone not living in China and coping with the demands of running a multi-billion dollar public company, Zuckerberg pulled off more advanced linguistic gymnastics, explaining to an audience at Tsinghua University — he joined the board last year — how he remains motivated by Facebook and its mission.
I’m not a Chinese speaker myself, but I talked to a number of people who are and the general consensus is that Zuckerberg’s progress is impressive — in particular his vocabulary is wide-ranging given his stage of learning — but his tones need some work. Zuck isn’t about to step into a Chinese boardroom soon, if he could, but the fact that he can find the time to become suitably proficient with a challenging language like Chinese will give other would-be language learners a boost in their own quest.
It also shows just how motivated he is to understand China… Mark is touring around the world.


We are sorry for keeping you waiting, some event came up that limited our ability to reach out to you. After all that we are more than conqueror. Do you the fonder of facebook? know it now Mark Zuckerberg with four  others.

Facebook is an online social networking service that allows its users to connect with friends and family as well as make new connections. It provides its users with the ability to create a profile, update information, add images, send friend requests, and accept requests from other users. Its features include status update, photo tagging and sharing, and more. It was founded 2004 .Today everybody want to be there.As we are talking zuck is still learning new things what have you put in your mind to learn.

Sunday 25 October 2015


The Osinkola Ruling House in Ile-Ife has warned Osun State Government against announcing the new Ooni because of the suit instituted by the family against the Ife Chieftaincy Declaration.
The Chairman, Publicity Committee of Osinkola Ruling House, Olakunle Aderemi, said on Sunday,
Aderemi said it appeared as the state government was set to announce the new Ooni with the heavy presence of security operatives deployed in Ife since Saturday.
He, however, said the family would continue with its case against the Ife Chieftaincy Declaration of 1980 which is still pending before an Osun State High Court.
But Aderemi insisted that the chieftaincy declaration, which the kingmakers used to narrow down the selection process to Giesi Ruling House, was a fraud which he said could not stand.

While the Osinkola family is against the announcement of the new monarch now, the Giesi Ruling House is eagerly waiting for the announcement of the new Ooni.
The Secretary of Giesi Ruling House, Adelowo Ogunleye, who spoke on the telephone with our correspondent, said the announcement of the new Ooni was being expected any moment from Sunday.


The Jodhpur girl who fought against odds to get her 19-year-old child marriage annulled says she did not even know that her wedding had been sealed in the crib, till friends told her over a casual banter about boys and marriage.
Santa of Rohichyakalan village, about 70 km from Jodhpur, was only 11 months old when her parents married her off to nine-year-old Sanvalram from a nearby village in 1996. Her father works as a mason.
Last Tuesday, a family court in Jodhpur annulled the marriage with  her consent.
She was never told about the marriage, Santa says. Then, one windy afternoon in June 2011 when Santa, who had just turned 16 and was in Class XI, was at the Government Senior Secondary School in Dhundhara chatting with friends, they teased her saying her fate was settled.
"We were talking about marriage and the ideal husband when some of my friends said I shouldn't have to think about all that since I was already married," says Santa. She went straight back home, she adds, and confronted her mother about it, who confirmed this.
"I was very upset. I fought with my parents, but they said they could not do anything since the decision was taken by my grandparents," she says.
When she was in Class XII, Santa first met Sanvalram at a wedding. She says she made it clear to him too that she did not believe in the "marriage" and would not honour it.
The 19-year-old claims Sanvalram's behaviour also convinced her she couldn't stay with him. According to her, the 28-year-old daily wage labourer would get drunk and follow her to and fro from school, telling her, "Where will you go? You will have to come to your husband."
"Sanvalram would call me names and boast in public that I was his wife. I was very scared. But my friends protected me and wouldn't let him near me. Once they almost beat him up," she says.
In April this year, Santa left home and approached a social activist from Jodhpur for help. Santa says the village caste panchayat threatened her parents and also slapped a fine of Rs 16 lakh on them.
Her poor parents, siblings and relatives all asked Santa to accept the "marriage" and return home, she says.
Finally, the activist Santa had turned to helped her convince some panchayat members to end their opposition. Once the panchayat was divided on the matter, the others also agreed.
Sanvalram reportedly backtracked when told that if Santa opted for a divorce and sought maintenance, he would find it difficult to pay.
Rohichyakalan sarpanch Dayaram Patel still believes Santa is wrong. "Child marriage is unfortunate, but then different communities have different rituals and practices. Once it happened, she could have stayed in it. What good there is in breaking away?" Patel says.
Despite the marriage being annulled, Santa can't still go back to her village and is staying with her grandmother in Jodhpur. "The atmosphere there is very unpleasant. (People say anything they like about my parents and me)," she says.
Now in BA final year, Santa is studying political science, history and Hindi literature. She hopes to become a teacher. "I do want to get married again," she says, "but it's not on my mind at the moment."
If you make ask, where is Dhundhara? It is a small town in Rajasthan, India. Stay at home we are at home.


  In Awka the Anambra State capital a gang of six men suspected to be  kidnappers yesterday engaged Anambra State Police Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, in a gun battle at Okpoko in Ogbaru local government area during which three members of the gang were feared dead and a woman, Mrs. Edith Maduekwe, kidnapped by the gang, rescued by the police.
Mrs. Maduekwe, who was kidnapped by the suspects on October 4, 2014 at Oba in Idemili South local government area was rescued at an erosion site in Oraukwu in Idemili North local government area of the state.
The story goes that, the police recovered seven hundred and seventy six thousand naira (N776, 000) from the suspects, being part of the N1.4 million ransom paid by the family of the victim.
 other Items recovered from the suspects as the news goes  are one AK-47 rifle with 90 rounds of ammunition, one pump action gun and 10 live cartridges, assorted charms and other weapons.
Parading the suspects yesterday, Anambra State Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Uche Ezeh said the leader of the gang known as Charlie Parker had been on the wanted list of the Police for four years.
He said following a tip-off, the state SARS commander, Mr. James Nwafor, a Chief Superintendent of Police, CSP, led his men to the place at Okpoko, where the loot was being shared by the suspects. End of story.


 LAST Week end it was a woman. kidnaping a boy.  Mother must hear this. Female kidnap syndicate  abducedt some students  on their way to school last Friday, in Aguda area of Surulere, Lagos, was botched, following the  arrest of three of its  members.
The women  were said to have succeeded in cajoling six students who were heading to a public school on the Island  and zoomed off  towards Orile/Mile Two. Lagos.
There are, however, different accounts as to  how they met their waterloo as a version of the account had it that the eldest of the abducted students, a Junior Secondary School  2 girl,  raised an alarm on noticing that the route plied was different from the regular route to their school.

On noticing that the students were abducted, a mob descended on the three women and attempted to set them ablaze but for the timely intervention of policemen from Orile division.   The mob, however, succeeded in setting their operational car ablaze.
One of the eyewitnesses at the scene said:  “ One of the students  said when they noticed this was not the way to their school, they told their abductors to take them back from where they picked them  but they didn’t respond.
‘’She said she  started crying and shouting at the same time. When they got to salvage bus stop at Orile, their cry attracted some  area boys  who  approached the abductors and asked them where they were going.”

‘’Immediately, he said that, the students   cried  for help, saying the people were  kidnappers.  Sensing trouble, the kidnappers immediately  sped off .  But unfortunately for them , they drove into a port hole which caused  one of the tyres to burst.
‘’Yet they kept moving until they were caught up with at  Abu street . The ladies were stripped  naked, while their vehicle was destroyed . They would have been set ablaze but for Police intervention.”

Things are happening every day be vigilant.


 TWO WEEKEND A GO IT WAS AKWA IBOM LATER LAAST WEEKEND IT WAS RIVER NOW DELTA. WE WILL DRING YOU THE DETAIL OF THE EVENT ON THE TRIBUNAL IN WARRI THE DETAL STATE CAPITAL.— Governorship Election Petition Tribunal, sitting in Asaba, is billed to deliver judgment on the petition by Olorogun O’tegha Emerhor, challenging the declaration of Senator Ifeanyi Okowa as the winner of the 2015 governorship poll in the state, last two weeken a go  a tribunal ordered election to be conducted in 18 Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom State.. Last weekend Rivers State election was upturned.
   by today we shall be waiting for the out come of the judgment from Delta State. It is no news that
Emerhor contested the election on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, while Okowa ran on the plank of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.
O'tega Emerhor
O’tega Emerhor
At the last sitting on October 13 where both parties adopted written addresses,  Justice Nasir Gunmi, who heads the three-man tribunal, promised to communicate the judgment date, which must be before October 28, to the parties through the tribunal secretary.

The petitioners who anchored their respective cases on compulsory use of card readers for accreditation, argued that they had been able to prove the cases of over voting and electoral irregularities during the election to justify nullifying the election  and ordering a re-run.
Counsel to Emerhor and the APC, Chief Thompson Okpoko (SAN) contended that Section 153 of the Electoral Act confers on INEC the power to make regulations for the conduct of elections based on which the INEC issued guidelines and press release informing Nigerians that card readers would be used.
Will the tribunal uphold Okowa’s election or nullify it and order a re-run as prayed for by Emerhor? The question. Stay tuned with EnlogHomes we are at home.  Property sale  comes up later in the day up


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The Maritime Workers’ Union of Nigeria (MWUN) at the week-end  suspended its three-day-old strike which has paralyzed activities at the nation’s sea ports.
It suspension was announced after joint meeting of the leaders of the  union and the management of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA).
NPA’s Executive Director, Finance  Mr Olumide Oduntan and the President-General of the MWUN, Mr Anthony Nted signed the communique.
The duo said the agreement was reached after a meeting between the representatives of NPA and MWUN at the week-end on Victoria Island, Lagos.
According to the communiqué, all outstanding payments to tally clerks and on board security men are top priorities that will be paid by the NPA as soon as the Treasury Single Account (TSA) issues have been resolved

Maiduguri Bombed Again

A female suicide bomber blew herself up in Maiduguri  yesterday, killing three people and injuring several others, residents said.
scene of the incident where three female bomber exploded themselves and one other.
The bombing took place in  Dala Yazaram neighbourhood  a day after at least 55 people were killed in attacks in northeast Nigeria, where jihadist group Boko Haram are seeking to create a hardline Islamic state.
A local resident said he saw two female suicide bombers arrive in the area, but one was stopped by people nearby while the other blew herself up.
“Three people have been killed and many injured. One of the terrorists was arrested before she could detonate,” Shuaibu Umara, a security guard at a nearby petrol station, told AFP.
In a conflicting account, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said one person, a member of a civilian vigilante group assisting the military in the fight against Boko Haram, was killed and 10 injured in the blast.
NEMA spokesman Sani Datti said there had been four female suicide bombers who targeted Dala Ajeri but were intercepted by vigilantes.
“Three of the female suicide bombers detonated the explosions in their bodies immediately and the fourth one was intercepted but later died,” Datti said in a statement.

Maiduguri has now been hit seven times this month, killing 79 people, according to an AFP tally, underscoring an increased risk to civilians after similar strikes in neighbouring states and near the capital Abuja.
On Friday, two explosions ripped through mosques in Maiduguri and nearby Yola, capital of Adamawa state, leaving at least 55 people dead and more than 100 injured.
The Yola explosion took place shortly after the imam had finished a sermon to inaugurate the new mosque.
Boko Haram has regularly targeted mosques and religious leaders who do not share their extremist ideology.
NEMA’s Adamawa coordinator Sa’ad Bello said Saturday the toll from the mosque attack had risen to 30 from 27 on Friday, with 93 others injured.
Residents said the interior was still littered with shoes, prayer mats and worshipers’ belongings.
Yola has been seen as a relatively safe haven from the Boko Haram insurgency, which has ravaged the northeast for the last six years, leaving at least 17,000 people dead and more than 2.5 million homeless.