Monday 12 September 2016

Farmworkers Get More Pay for Extra Two Hours Work.

"Farmer may have to pay the Federal Government to provide them with security  against kidnappers, herdsmen attack who may want to invade their farm .."  Minister For Agriculture Nigeria.

The situation in California USA read some what different from the quote.
California  Agricultural worker might  be the first in the State to receive  overtime  pay if they work extra two hour a day.

By this new Law in the State Farm workers will be treated as employee as obtained in other industries.

Farmers as a matter of fact should be treated with some form of dignity for they contribute immensely to the growth of the entire county's economy. We  are where we are today simply because this class of the people has been neglected over the years. Which invariably pushing every one to seeking white collar job and political appointment.  These fact contribute to seeing mostly poor women working in the farms with minute pay.

In  California and few others cities in USA, Fruit pickers and other field workers are to enjoy this benefits of over time. There is therefore need for some level of consideration to those with humble beginning in Nigeria,. should we  ever imagine closing the gap between the poor and the rich in Country.

Agricultural industries world over is a multi billion Industry which generate billion of Hard currency to the economic activities  and boost GDP of the  respective nations..

Photo credit: wsj and newswire       

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