Saturday, 17 October 2015

Creating Home for all

Homes for All,  is our desire, affordable housing  is what we are  seeking to achieve. in no time, the principle that people of all income levels have a right to affordable housing has push us into taking the bull by the horn. We understand what it is to have an appealing  and also having a  location that gives you an identity. We are committed to providing affordable housing and support services for low and moderate income families in our communities. We will not stop until  every live is touch.

Your new home

Imagine that you are living here. If you can believe it, it is possible the moment you fathom it out it yours.Look from a distant it could seem a mountain that is surmountable. But Enloghomes  makes it possible. create a mind set that can imagine things and achieve them  within a short possible time. It is our commitment to make sure that you do not spend more than you should just to acquire a home. We shall be giving you as many option as possible to choose from irrespective of what your desire might be.  Trust us. We are Enloghomes.     

Introducing EnlogHomes

  We are pleased to announce to all our friends the arrival of the something new in town. EnlogHomes is here.
She has accepted to put her tent here. meet her here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 4 weeks a month off course all round the year,
 This is her homes more thank to google Blog.

It is not surprising that all of you must have been waiting for this Home

Fell free to drop your comment , contribution Please make sure you visit her always for she shall always has something to offer.

Once again welcome to EnlogHome


shopping online for  Electrical visit    

Friday, 16 October 2015

Engr. peters

this fruit is grown in my mummy's farm 
some of the engr. do come and plug 

love all

The world is a nice please to be do your best for the best to come to you