Monday 12 September 2016

Regulation Of Event Centers Begins in Lagos

Event Holding  Centers has become a boom is Lagos and its environs. It apparently empower a number of individuals. Others are smiling to  Bank in daily or weekly  bases.

Weddings and other events in the city of Lagos has actually lighted up the city. It is a very common sight in the weekends to see gorgeously dressed men and ladies trooping out in their numbers to some, most expensive edifice and some mushroom  structure all for the purpose of getting engaged in one event or the other. More photo after the cut.

The  Lagos State Government has also taken notice of this, This has informed the decision of the Lagos State Government to take inventory of this facility in the city in the view to a certain their important in the governmental development scheme. A task force has been set  up this month to make sure that such businesses are duly located where they are supposed.

The commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban  development, Mr.  Wasiu Anifowoshe in his statement said

“Throughout Lagos State if there is no development permit for any structure, event centers inclusive, it is illegal to start with. Fine, we have so many, but we are taking inventory of them now. Anyone that builds event centre in a place that is not conducive, the government will shut it down. We will ask them to come and remove it or we remove it for them. We have been warning them. Before you can have an event centre, apply and investigate to know if it is conducive and if it won’t disturb the neighbourhood. Does it generate noise pollution, what are the environmental impact and all that? If it is going to disturb the citizens of Lagos State, we won’t allow it.
 The Government has  set up guideline for this centers which include safety, traffic management, environmental impacts and health management strategy.  The Government will require documentation from  Management of this centers on how they  intend to manage this issues.


the environmental impact and all that? If it is going to disturb the citizens of Lagos State, we won’t allow it.”       

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