Tuesday 26 January 2016


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Marriage should be a legitimate union and coming from the agreement of the those involved. But for now it has turn out to be a matter of compulsion in some country. It is even becoming more worrisome when you are threatened with a jail term if you are not complying. But let all the guy be sincere. Will you be happy marrying more than one wife?

In Eritrea officially called the State of Eritrea in east Africa, with its capital at Asmara. which has its boarder with  Sudan in the west and Ethiopia in the south with a population of 6333 million as at 2013 has  ordered its citizen to marry more than one wife at least two wives to make up for the deficiency in men in the country.
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The deficiency is as a result of casualty  the country suffered during war with Ethiopia.

Quoting an online news medium, the statement reads

Over 150,000 soldiers were killed during the Eritrean-Ethiopian war between May 1998 to June 2000, a situation which drastically reduced the male population in the tiny Eritrea nation of just 4 million people. 

As a result of this, the Government decided to support the  the polygamous families.
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“Based on the law of God in polygamy, and given the circumstances in which the country is experiencing in terms of men shortage, the Eritrean department of Religious Affairs has decided on the following:*First that every man shall marry at least two women and the man who refuses to do so shall be subjected to life imprisonment with hard labour.*The woman who tries to prevent her husband from marrying another wife shall be punished to life imprisonment
Let us hear what you feel about this. Would you  like to be a citizen of Eritrea? Be candid about it.

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