Wednesday 27 January 2016


Image result for bombing  in chibok
Chibok in a town in  North-East Nigeria.  This is the town that  Islamic extremist called Boko  Haram kidnapped about 200 school girls two years ago. there is a report that a suicide bomber killed more than 10 people on Wednesday 27th January 2016. the source said,

Witnesses say one bomber detonated explosives Wednesday at a checkpoint where people were being searched, and at least two others blew themselves up in the town's market.
There were conflicting reports on whether the bombers were male or female.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but the attack bore the hallmarks of Boko Haram, which often targets public gathering spots such as bus stations or markets.
The Islamist radical group sparked international outrage in April 2014 when it abducted 276 teenage girls from a Chibok secondary school.  Fifty-seven escaped, but more than 200 remain missing. 

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