Tuesday 26 January 2016


 Hillary the wife of Bill Clinton running for the presidential seat on Tuesday in Iowa would wish to support Obama as  an apointee into the Supreme Court USA.
When one of the participant in the rally appointed Barack Obama  
Hillary Clinton said,

“Wow, what a great idea. Nobody has ever suggested that to me. Wow. I love that.”
She then repeated “wow” again, as if giving herself an extra second to think of a good answer, considering that she has been praising Mr. Obama’s agenda and leadership repeatedly on the campaign trail recently.
“He may have a few other things to do, but I tell you, that’s a great idea,” Mrs. Clinton said — not quite committing but certainly not dismissing the notion.
She then turned to the current court, saying that “we need new justices who actually understand the challenges we face” and wondering if some justices made decisions

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