Report on Friday 15th January 2016 has that the country's special force made more flesh arrest as a way to flush out IS from establishing foothold in the country.
Early this week the President of America, Mr. Barack Obama made a prediction of the possibility of instability in Pakistan, Afghan and Syria Stating that it might become impossible for them to with stand the attack of terrorism.
But the Pakistani authority say they have taken a decisive action against terrorist, stating that they won't allow terrorist to established foothold in the country.
The media report on Friday said the Anti Terrorist Force has rounded up 60 suspected terrorist supporters from different part of the cities including Khyber, Pkutunkhwa provinces.
The report added that information gleaned from IS supporters detained in the last few weeks has actually assisted the country making more flesh arrest.
Pakistan shares boarder with Afghanistan, Tajikistanan India and Iran.But the boarder between Afghanistan seem to create more concern on the activities of IS
It becomes more worrisome as a terrorist group has identified Afghanistan, Pakistan and part of Iran as its Khorsan provinces. By implication, thiss province is seemingly control by IS group.
IS is believed to former members of the Afghan Taliban and Tehrik- taliban group which waged bloody insurgency on Pakistan.
Pakistani resolved is demonstrated by the country raids against suspected cells of the group. If the whole world in unity stand against this evil, the world will be a better place to live.
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