Tuesday 22 March 2016


At least  34 persons are killed on the terrorist attacked on Brussel Airport more than 74 wounded  as two blast hit the Airport Tuesday morning. One of the bomb did not detonate reported twitter news.

The police has release a  photograph taken from the close circuit television which shows a man wearing black hat, alight -coloured jacket and a sun classes pushing an airport luggage cart along two men believed to be bombers.
 Phot of the suspect after the cut.
The Belgian Police has isued a wanted notice for the suspect in the Brussel airport bombing .ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombing. The wanted man fled the airport.

4 members of the US military official were wounded in the attacked. Obama reacted that America is in solidarity with  Belgians against the attacked.

A woman who was  wounded in  the attack helped.

The attack came   few days after the arrest of key Paris attacks  suspect Salah Abdeslam in Brussels . It is believed to be a revenge attacked.


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