Wednesday 23 March 2016


School were meant to transfer knowledge and information. But here the training as taken another dimension. A 14 year-old Anyalewechi Ogechi was assaulted by her Principal and teachers.
She attained Eva adelaja  Girls Secondary School. Bariga in Lagos State

More photo after the cut.

Ogechi a Senior Secondary 2 pupil was  said to have been punished for returning a clap for a prefect  Identified as Zainab.

The Principal Mrs. Coker  alongside five other teacher flogged Ogechi as a result inflicted injuries on  most part of the boby. It seem as if they play a clapping competition on Ogechi.

Ogechi said Last Wednesday when she got to school every Student was asked to carry chair, as she was waiting for her turn the Prefect came around an asked why she was not participating. She responded she was waiting for her turn .
On that note the prefect claimed  she was rude and served her a clap after she Ogechi refuse to obey the order of knelling for being rude.She returned the clap. That was where the problem started.

The Lagos State Government has constituted a panel to investigate matter.


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