Thursday 4 February 2016


Image result for minister of agriculture nigeria
The Minister of Agriculture, Audu Ogbeh while defending the budget warned that by 2050, if serious attention is not paid to mechanized farming Nigeria may starve to death.  
 He made this declaration while defended the 2016 budget proposal of his ministry before the joint Committee on Agriculture.
According to his word, 
We have written to state governments to encourage them to develop dams and canals so that agriculture becomes an all-year-round activity and it is not confined to the rainy season alone.“Four or five months of farm activity cannot sustain the country for 12 months.Besides, by 2050 Nigeria’s population will be very close to 500 million, going by the current rate of growth.
“This is just 34 years from now. If we carry on at the current rate of one crop per year and very low mechanization, Nigeria runs a risk of starving to death,
At this one will start to wonder what is the level of education given to the cattle herdsmen who will allow their cattle craze on any available crop plant, Should this trend continued, then seemingly the Government is paying lip services to their effort to provide food to the populace.
However as a solution to this, he maintained that, the ministry would develop paddock to grow grasses and boreholes and dams for cattle rearing across the country.


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