Wednesday 28 October 2015


Former Akwa Ibom State governor and elder statesman,  Obong Victor Attah, has described the verdict of the Akwa Ibom State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal which nullified the April 11,2015 governorship polls in 18 Local Government Areas of the state as the triumph of  truth over falsehood; of right over wrong and  integrity over impunity.
The former governor said this at a press conference in Uyo. The briefing had elder statesmen and senior citizens of the state in attendance.
He noted that the tribunal “towed the path of honour and integrity and resisted all attempts to be compromised”.
He said the verdict has illuminated a new pathway for the people of the state to follow as the state inches closer to the prospect of fresh election.
“They had boasted that what money could not do, more money to the tribunal would do. But today, to their consternation, the tribunal, in the hands of righteous judges, has pronounced differently. The tribunal has entuned a dirge, very soon we will be singing the death knell to insanity for whom now the bell tolls. Akwa Ibom is at the point of being liberated! Our right to freely choose our candidates and to freely vote for those we want to govern or to represent us is about to be restored along with the right to freely criticize any leader who abuses office. This is what I had always wanted and prayed for and I thank God for answering our prayers”, he said.
Attah added that the tribunal has given Akwa Ibom people,  “a new golden chance for moral transformation and spiritual rebirth and inspired the people to stand up and vow that never again must they tolerate such evil in the state”.
“Indeed the time has come that we must create ourselves anew.  If we should fail to make the best use of this chance, we will have only ourselves to blame”, he said.

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