Friday 30 October 2015

Donald Trump speech

 A Senator  on Friday, said the condemnation of Africans and African-Americans by a US presidential aspirant, Donald Trump, was a crude form of racism.
He  was reacting to media reports credited to the Republican Party man, said racism should never be mixed with politics, adding that politicians should not be bigots.
He however condemned   generally  that  bigotry, racism  shouldn’t  be use  in politics.
He went on to say if we have issues with people we should stick to the issues and leave a sweeping statements out of it.
He explained that such  is the crudest form of racism.
The media reports said that Trump referred to Africans as lazy fools, only good for lovemaking and thuggery.
The report also credited him as saying that if he became U.S president, he would deport all African-Americans to their countries in Africa.  As good as this would sound could the black race sit back and fashion  solution for their problem and challenges. how often do we tour their land for medical educational facilities? What's happen over here? a food for thought.

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