Tuesday 27 October 2015


Mark Zuckerberg has been learning Mandarin for some time, and it seems like the Facebook founder and CEO’s language skills are picking up after he showed them off with a twenty-minute speech spoken entirely in Chinese. Since October of last year, things seem to have developed considerably. Zuckerberg’s previous efforts, quite  impressive for someone not living in China and coping with the demands of running a multi-billion dollar public company, Zuckerberg pulled off more advanced linguistic gymnastics, explaining to an audience at Tsinghua University — he joined the board last year — how he remains motivated by Facebook and its mission.
I’m not a Chinese speaker myself, but I talked to a number of people who are and the general consensus is that Zuckerberg’s progress is impressive — in particular his vocabulary is wide-ranging given his stage of learning — but his tones need some work. Zuck isn’t about to step into a Chinese boardroom soon, if he could, but the fact that he can find the time to become suitably proficient with a challenging language like Chinese will give other would-be language learners a boost in their own quest.
It also shows just how motivated he is to understand China… Mark is touring around the world.

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