Sunday 25 October 2015


 LAST Week end it was a woman. kidnaping a boy.  Mother must hear this. Female kidnap syndicate  abducedt some students  on their way to school last Friday, in Aguda area of Surulere, Lagos, was botched, following the  arrest of three of its  members.
The women  were said to have succeeded in cajoling six students who were heading to a public school on the Island  and zoomed off  towards Orile/Mile Two. Lagos.
There are, however, different accounts as to  how they met their waterloo as a version of the account had it that the eldest of the abducted students, a Junior Secondary School  2 girl,  raised an alarm on noticing that the route plied was different from the regular route to their school.

On noticing that the students were abducted, a mob descended on the three women and attempted to set them ablaze but for the timely intervention of policemen from Orile division.   The mob, however, succeeded in setting their operational car ablaze.
One of the eyewitnesses at the scene said:  “ One of the students  said when they noticed this was not the way to their school, they told their abductors to take them back from where they picked them  but they didn’t respond.
‘’She said she  started crying and shouting at the same time. When they got to salvage bus stop at Orile, their cry attracted some  area boys  who  approached the abductors and asked them where they were going.”

‘’Immediately, he said that, the students   cried  for help, saying the people were  kidnappers.  Sensing trouble, the kidnappers immediately  sped off .  But unfortunately for them , they drove into a port hole which caused  one of the tyres to burst.
‘’Yet they kept moving until they were caught up with at  Abu street . The ladies were stripped  naked, while their vehicle was destroyed . They would have been set ablaze but for Police intervention.”

Things are happening every day be vigilant.

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