Friday 18 December 2015


Controversial former Minister for Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode has blasted the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari for allegedly registering Nigeria as one of 34 ‘predominantly Muslim countries’ in alliance to fight terrorism.
A Tuesday report by Qatar-based Al Jazeera, stated that Nigeria would join 33 other Muslims nations including Qatar, UAE, Malaysia and Turkey, to fight terrorism anywhere it may rear its ugly head in “the name of Islam”.
The coalition was conveyed and would be led by Saudi Arabia.
The alliance however excludes Saudi Arabia’s regional rival Iran, and its allies Afghanistan and Iraq.
But in a reaction, Fani-Kayode wondered how a multi-cultural, multi-religious secular society such as Nigeria would  join forces with Islamic nations.
Taking to his Twitter account to express his displeasure with the coalition, he said…
Al Jazeera says Nigeria is now part of a "34 member coalition of muslim nations" and that they will "fight terror in the name.of islam".
"Is this part of "change" agenda? Can't they just, for once, think about the implications of what they are doing? Nigeria is not a muslim  .state. We are a multi-religious, multi-cultural secular state and 1 million Muhammadu Buharis and his Saudi friends cannot change that." he concluded. what do you think about this? Let us have your comment

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