Friday 23 September 2016

Stowaway Found Dead In Saudi Airline

The Saudi Government has commenced investigation into the death of a suspected stowaway whose body was found on an aircraft which returned from Nigeria.
A cabin crew member of Saudi airline, Flynass, on Wednesday found a body of a male at the sidekick of its plane which returned from Abuja after conveying 472 pilgrims.
The  Chairman, National Hajj Commission of Nigeria ( NAHCON ), Alhaji Abdullahi Mohammed, told newsmen in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, that both governments were investigating the incident.
He said the incident had not affected the flight operation apart from a delay of about five hours to allow for necessary checks and routine procedures.
Mohammed said NAHCON had established that the body found was not of any of the pilgrims as all of them had been fully accounted for.
He said the Commission would continue to monitor the situation and provide further update whenever possible.

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