Friday 23 September 2016

The Home Of Bayelsa State Governor fill with Joy As wife Delivered of quadruplet

The election of Bayelsa State  Governor Mr. Seriaka Dickson  was upheld by the  Abuja Appeal Court on Thursday, barely 24 hours later the wife was delivered of three baby girls and a baby boy.

Mrs. Rachel Dickson  becomes a mother of four  after many years of waiting. This calls for celebration. If you are staying in Bayelsa and environ every where lead to Dickson's Home.

The special Assistance to the Governor  on  Social Media said on Friday

“Good News. Another cause for Governor Henry Seriake Dickson and family to celebrate is here. After many years of praying and waiting upon the Lord, his wife and First Lady of Bayelsa State, Dr. Rachael Dickson was just delivered of a quadruplet: a bouncing baby boy and three beautiful baby girls.
“Mother and children are doing very well. Governor Dickson’s joy knows no bound. “This bundle of joy is coming when his re-election was overwhelmingly upheld by the Appeal Court in Abuja yesterday. The Governor thanks his friends, well wishers and family members for their prayers and support over the years.”   

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