Friday 23 September 2016

Cholera Out Break In Lagos Be Informed

The is  report that  Cholera out break in Lagos has claimed six lives.  This happened in Isolo Local Government Area of Lagos  State.

39 other people are under observation  and treatment in various general  and private Hospital in  the area. Be informed and get others informed as well by sharing this information.

Cholera is an acute diarrhea caused by Bacteria. The symptom includes vomiting and stooling some form of classical remembrance of rice water.

We  in advised  the public if you observed any of this symptom  consult your Doctor right away.
Also keep a proper  personal hygiene cover all food items.

You will be fine please keep sharing the information  to save a live.

This is what the commissioner said.

“After a thorough analysis of the  ano-rectal swabs that were collected from 15 cases,  vibrio cholerae was confirmed  and found to be the Ogawa strain of the virus.
 “Twenty-two of the 26 that  were  being managed at the Isolo General Hospital and the Lagos Mainland Hospital have been discharged, one  died, while three are still on admission at the Lagos Mainland Hospital. The three patients are still on admission but they are in stable condition.”      

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