Friday 29 July 2016


A Swedish Cop who was with friends while sunbathing in a Park, saw a man who pretended to be a salesman, who later turn out to be a thief . The Pickpocket decided to steal from a group of Police who were off duty.The result was a brilliant capture and shared in the social media. Mikaela kellner who tackled the rogue in her bikini , said it was intuition that helped her.

Kellner who was sunbathing with friends at Ralambs hov  park  when a man took an unwise decision to steal from them.
He pretended to be selling magazine but Kellner suspected something fishing and caution friends to keep their eyes on their belongings
Certainly, as soon as the guy left her friend shouted, Where has my mobile phone gone?

Kellner and another friend who is also a Police officer sprang into action and chased the man up to 50 foot distance before catching up with the man.
The man was held and pinned to the ground.
Kellner said, i sat at him looking at my other friends not minding my outfit.
Hope the guy will repent or...   .

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