Wednesday 27 July 2016


Women in their last 50s may not believe what is happening in America in the last primaries the battle line is now drawn between the Democrat Hillary Clinton and the Republican Donald Trump.

A number of older women want it happened in their time see the first female President.
Donner who is in her 60s says she support Hillary wanting to see a woman having a say in the affair of the Government of America. As she put it, ' my support for her hangs on her  support for women right. she said Hillary Clinton even when she was the Secretary of state, she all out to fight of the women and girls in  America.

One of the things that impresses me most about Hillary is that she went out of here as secretary of state to really fight for women and girls around the planet, and they are more than half the planet," said Donner.
The question is can Hillary with all the support make history in America? As a matter of fact 60 out of 196  countries  at one time or the other had or have a women as a President but never happened in America since independent over 200 ( Two Hundred year a go.)  But now Hillary want to break the record.

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