Tuesday 31 May 2016


The Ogun State Police Command has arrested eight suspects in connection with the alleged murder of a native doctor and a surgeon in Ijebu-Ode area of the state, over the weekend.

Muyiwa Adejobi, police public relations officer for the state confirmed the arrest, although he did not disclose the names of the suspects.
The suspects have been transferred to the State Criminal Investigations Department, (SCID), Eleweran, Abeokuta for discreet investigations.
It would be recalled that one Omotayo Ogunbowale was allegedly murdered by suspected hoodlums, during an Ogun ritual festival ceremony on Saturday, May 28.
Although the cause of the killing was not established, on Sunday, May 29, one Dr Thomas Adekoya-Cole, (60), a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, (LUTH), was also murdered at about 7.45 am.
Sources in Ijebu Ode told our correspondent on Monday that Adekoya-Cole was at the ceremony where Ogunbowale was murdered.
The surgeon was said to have been macheted and left to bleed to death in the area. This is even as the incident was reported to the police at Igbeba police division.
But, a police source said on Monday that the detectives will explore all angles to the incident in order to establish a motive and the link between the murder of the native doctor and the surgeon.
His words: “For now, I cannot see the connection between the murder of the native doctor and that of the LUTH Surgeon”
Cole attended St Anthony Grammar School, in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State and later studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Liberia.
He rose to the position of a clinical fellow at the Addenbrookes Hospital in United Kingdom before he returned to Nigeria to work as senior registrar, University College Hospital Ibadan.

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