Sunday 29 May 2016


THE  Nairobi Country Police Commander Mr.Japhath Koome  said on Sunday morning his Man has shot and killed four suspected robbers and recovered an AK- 47 rifle, a pistol and 60 round of ammunition
 Koome said the four were shot near Nyayo stadium after a chase from the city center were they kidnapped a woman and demanded a ransom of Sh 100,000
Mr. Koome added that officer from Special Crime Prevention Unit  trailed the suspect  as they demanded ransom from the suspect family.

Mr. Koome pointed out that the gang had been link to at least six other kidnapping cases in the city of Nairobi in resent times. In his word , he said part of the ransom had been paid and their victim released. He however said some of the victim description matched the suspects. He said some of the victim were attacked outside bank and on the street.

Following a report that a woman had been kidnapped, a team of officers were mobilised after some of the gang members went and withdrew cash from the victim’s account as part of their payment

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