Wednesday 2 March 2016


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A Niger State High Court in Minna has sentenced to death by hanging a 42-year-old man, Mohammad Haruna, after finding him guilty of killing 12-year-old S. Shamsideen in a bush in Rafi Local Government Area of Niger State
Justice Aisha Bawa Bwari, who handed down the judgment in the case, which has lasted four years, said the convict contravened section 221 of the penal code.
Delivering her judgment, Justice Bwari said the court examined the surrounding circumstances of the case and found that the proper evidence arrived at had shown without any iota of doubt that the first accused person and no one else caused the death of the deceasedShe said further that the circumstantial evidence adduced by the prosecution was convincing and “it is in the light of the foregoing that the court finds finds the first accused Mohammed Haruna guilty of the offence of culpable homicide punishable under section 221.You are to be hanged by the neck until you are dead.”
Justice Bwari however discharged the second accused in the case, Musa Ahmadu, for want of enough evidence for his conviction.In the convict’s confessional statement tendered in court by the prosecution, Mohammed Haruna, he said he was hired by a ritualist, Malam Musa Yakila, to bring a human part for N2 million.
Yakila, according to the statement, wanted to send the human parts to his customers in Yola, Adamawa State.
It was after the agreement was struck that he Haruna lured the deceased into the Shambua forest in Kagara, the headquarters of Rafi LGA, where he hit him with a stick, resulting in his death.

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