Thursday 18 February 2016


Image result for ngiges rumoured death
There was a rumour on Thursday, that the Minister of Labour, Dr. Chris Nigige  collapsed and died in the process.
The rumour has  that the incident happened on his way to defend the 2016 budget of his ministry in the House of Representatives. But the news from Punchng has stated  that Nigige has responded  through his social media platform the Facebook claiming his he still ticking.  This is what he wrote on his facebook page

Dear friends , please disregard the wicked tissue of lies, contained in an online publication about an unfortunate incident said to have taken place today (Thursday) at the National Assembly and in which I was said to have been involved.
“I am currently not in the country let alone being at the National Assembly. I have since Monday, February 15, 2016 been attending the 42nd Ordinary Session of the African Regional Labour Advisory Council, taking place in Zambia.
“The meeting ends tomorrow (today). Indeed, as the Vice-Chairman of today’s session, I had the privilege of moderating as well as giving the vote of thanks on behalf of other African countries.
for more go to :


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