Friday 19 February 2016


A team of policemen on Thursday dispersed protesting members of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) at the Ministry of Education, Federal Secretariat, Abuja.
The policemen manhandled a cameraman working for the African Independent Television (AIT), and smashed his camera.
NANS President, Mr Tijani Shehu, and no fewer than five other students, were arrested.
The students had gathered at the entrance of the ministry, protesting the recent sack of vice-chancellors of 13 Federal Universities.
The students carried placards with inscriptions: “ASUU Break the Silence Against this Injustice’’, “Sack of VCs, an Attempt to Cripple our Citadels’’, “Say No to Injustice’’, among others.
They argued that the Minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu, erred in the appointment of new vice-chancellors, which they said was a usurpation of the duties of universities governing councils.
“On February 12, 2016, the Federal Government, without due recourse to the governing councils of 12 Federal Universities and the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), removed their vice-chancellors without any clear statement as to what their offences might have been.“We request that the Federal Government, should in the interest of due process, reverse its decision and reinstate the illegally sacked vice-chancellors,’’ Shehu said.
The NANS president said that the association duly notified all relevant agencies including the Minister of Education of its protest and wondered why the minister could not come to address them.
He accused the Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Students (ASUU) of complicity in the sack of the vice-chancellors as it had been silent on the issue.

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