Sunday 17 January 2016


Embedded image permalinkMember representing Gumel/Maigatari/Sulatankarkar/Gagarawa federal constituency in Jigawa Sate, Honourable Sani Zoro (APC), has criticised the incessant deportation of Nigerian refugees by Camerounian authorities.

Zoro, former National President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists and Chairman, House Committee on Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs, made the criticism while speaking with newsmen in Dutse, the state capital on Sunday.He noted that Camerounian authorities were planning to deport 18,000 additional Nigerian refugees.
According to him, “Last week on Wednesday, I moved a motion, which was passed by the House of Representatives, criticizing the incessant deportation of Nigerian refugees from Cameroun.“As at December last year, Cameroun had illegally deported 20,000 Nigerian refugees.
“According to its officials, by March this year, 18,000 Nigerian refugees will again be deported,” he lamented. describing the action as “unAfrican, unfriendly and hostile.”
Emphasising that the action contravened all charters and conventions on human and people’s right, and international human rights, which both countries had endorsed.
Besides, he stated House of Representatives will soon constitute a team to be led by the Deputy Speaker or Majority Leader, to visit the Cameroonian parliament.Zoro added that the team would also meet the Speaker of the neighbouring parliament to express displeasure of Nigeria, and draw his attention on the conventions, protocols and all resolutions violated by his country.
He added that the House had earlier asked the Federal Government, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to summon the Cameroonian Ambassador in Nigeria, to register the country’s displeasure over the deportations.

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