Tuesday 19 January 2016


Image result for Jihadi johnISIS has confirmed the death of Jihadi John, he was little John -- a young version of the same Mohammed Emwazi who authorities say later became the English-speaking face of ISIS terror. The video release by UK media shows a teenage boy in the schoolyard of a West London secondary school. He walks through a sea of fellow students in his zippered
Image result for Jihadi johnsweatshirt over his polo shirt, wearing a backpack and carrying a plastic bottle. At one point, a basketball rolls toward him and he returns it with a deft kick.
He looks playful at times as when he skips and lightheartedly pushes two other boy. At some point he is called Mohammes  Emwazi at some other point, he is called Abu muharib al- Muhajir
Image result for Jihadi johnSource say it is believed he was born in Kuwait and moved to London as a child. He was detained in East Africa - Tanzania when he traveled, report also shows that he was also detained in Britain  in 2010 by counter-terrorist officials. it is believed he join ISIS when he traveled to Syria in 2012.
He is believed to be the force behind beheading and torture of captors.
A man 26 recounted how he was tortured, made him to dance tango later threatened to cut his noise with plier
The confirmation in Dabiq was the first time ISIS addressed the militant's death. The magazine told the story of his journey into ISIS in a two-page article and reported that he was killed instantly by the drone strike.
As the masked face of ISIS, Jihadi John was featured in a series of hostage videos, dressed head-to-toe in black -- his eyes and voice his lone revealing features -- and holding a knife.
Earlier this month, a British-sounding militant appeared in a chilling propaganda video from ISIS. The speaker's accent and dress brought to mind Jihadi John, and the latter's absence lent credence to Western intelligence agencies' belief that he was indeed dead.

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