Tuesday 20 October 2015


Before Buying a House

  Investing in real estate is one of the business that stand the taste of time, therefore, there are some important things that you must take note of:  
  1. Make sure the prices in the area make a march with what is obtain in the neighborhood. there must be a return on your investment within a short period of time.    Make some good research.
  2.  Another important issue that you must consider is your   budget; Do you have the financial muscle to foot the cost of maintenance in the chosen location? would you need a financial assistance? If yes, what type do I need? Is it a short term loan? broker, or  a mortgage? Over what period should  the financial assistance be spread. You should know what will be your equity contribution. Also determine at the end of the contribution what rate would your property have grown. these should be able to informed your decision on that home investment.  Using a professional  broker is generally very helpful because they always have good information regarding the purchase of a house and in general, real estate.
 Going by the population of Nigeria providing home for all is still s feat that might not be achieved in haste, this is because of level of investment in real Estate as a business. This is why the few that have courage to venture into it are having a fast return on their investment  mostly when you are using professional advice. When you  have made up you mind to purchase a house, be it for personal use or for rental first thing get a broker with an in dept structural design and material composite, even by some simple experimental testing,
It is worth noting that the transfer of the decibel of sound in a poorly vibrated block could be detected by such professional. 

  For instance,  a townhouse or a large mansion  of  this type might look appearing form outside but may not meet your expectation. that is why you need EnlogHomes.. The material used in designing the kitchen, the floors, the bedrooms,  the dining room.even the  garden and balcony should be  take to consideration
Houses, we recommend that should have enough space in between for proper ventilation, the acoustic system of the house should be properly managed by using  sound absorbent. When you work with us we make sure that the purpose of you investing in a property in fully utilized We check each room more than once in order to ensure all is well.another factor of important is the location of the facility that you are interested in, Does it has access to airport? Does it has access to main road?  what is the security history of the neighborhood? how calm is the environment? can you locate a school and a shopping mall? How close is the bus stations?Searching professionaly make EnlogHomes stands  out from others in  the  housing  industries in Nigeria. do you need a house anywhere in Nigeria just call  +234(0)8170052303

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