Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Should your phone be actively usein the Kitchen?

These are things you must not overlook when the safety of a toddler is considered. Keep the child at safe distance from where you are cooking: irrespective of the medium of cooking for example gas, stove, firewood, electrical cooker and so on. Be sure that your toddler is safe distance away from all form of cooking tools. This will help keep your mind at rest that your toddler is to some extent safe from accident.

Put some play things in place: gather some playthings to keep the child occupied to capture his or her attention and to secure the toddler in the safe zone you have created. It could be a toy car, a doll, a teething gadgets and so on. It will be preferable if you have a baby walker. It will help secure your toddler on a position especially if it's fixated on a spot. But if you do not have a baby walker, you can as well just keep some attractive playthings with the child to occupy him or her. Make sure your phone is not in the kitchen with you to prevent any risk of gas explosion. On many occasions far and near, we have heard and read many unfortunate incident of gas explosions that are as a result of proximity of phones to gas cylinder. As the saying goes, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. It will be quite unfortunate if despite all the news and warnings, one is still found going to the kitchen with phone in hand. If unit for you, consider your helpless toddler and on no account should you enter the kitchen with your phone.

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