Monday 3 July 2017

Did Evans Filed Suit Against The Police? Read Here!

Mr. Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike also known as Evan who is being held for serial kidnapping said he did not  filed any suit against the Police.

A motion which went viral on the Internet and social media , the notorious billion kidnapper alleged in  the suit that he  ought to been charge or arraigned before the court.

In the lawsuit he listed the Inspector General of Police, Nigerian police force, The commissioner of Police Lagos state and the special Anti- robbery Squad Lagos as respondents.

Evan has denied having any hand whatsoever in the said lawsuit. He said it is a calculated attempt to put him in more trouble. Evans said

"I have no  hand in any case  filed against the Police and i did not speak with any lawyer or my father to fill a case on my behalf . All I will say is that they should temper justice with mercy" 
Evans also claim that even if he is released he would be able to go home because of the people he had kidnapped and collected huge amount of money. He said they will kill him.

 The Federal High Court had on Friday dismissed  the lawsuit filed on Wednesday  by the said Lawyer Olukoya Ogungbeje.

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