Friday 10 March 2017

American Embassy issue Statement

Since  travel ban by the United State Government,  there are  lot of panic regarding who should  travel to America and who should  not. A case of the Iranian baby girl who needed  a serious heart  surgery became one of the most recent cases which play down on the ban.
Due to her serious    medical history  attention  was drawn from every  nook and cranny and a waiver was given .    A side this, there are  numbers of information the  flying the air. a government agency in Nigeria has warned  Nigerian to have a rethink before traveling to the US. The punch  news paper feature   two  Nigerians with a valid Visa  handcuffed, locked  in cell  for four days at the  US  Airport. It  reported that  Olaniyi   a businessman  claims he obtained his Visa from US Consulate in Lagos on December 23, 2016, and had planned a holiday with his wife but his wife could  not make it due to her tight work schedule.

He left  Lagos on Turkish Airline on February  21,2017 and on getting to the Los Angeles Airport, an immigration officer demanded his reason for visiting America  which he explained.

Olaniyi said his phone  and his document were collected,  he was  locked up in a cool cell only to be released  four days later which was  February 25 and placed  back in a plane to Nigeria
At all these the American Embassy in Nigeria has issued a statement which read thus

The U.S. Embassy in Abuja wishes to clarify that there is no reason for Nigerians with valid visas to postpone or cancel their travel to the United States.  Nigeria is not named in the Executive Order on Immigration issued on March 6, and there is no prohibition against Nigerian lawful permanent residents or persons with a valid visa or other U.S. government authorization from entering the United States 

We wish to have your input on this matter.

He said he left Lagos on a Turkish Airline on February 21, 2017 and on getting to the Los Angeles Airport, an immigration officer demanded his reason for visiting America which he explained.  

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