Monday 21 December 2015


It comes as a matter of important to note that to every investment there are some level of risk involved. Cook came under question for the encryption which might hid identity of the user of Apple device. keeping business privacy and national security became a matter of urgency and important. How is these married hear Cook.
“If the government lays a proper warrant on us today, then we will give the specific information that is requested, because we have to by law. In the case of encrypted information, we don’t have it to give,” Cook said.
“I don’t believe the trade-off here is privacy versus national security,” he added later.
Another important issue he needed to clear air was apple product made in China. Cook said.
“It’s skill,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in response to a question on “60 Minutes” Sunday from Charlie Rose as to why the company’s products are made in China.
Rose clearly wasn’t buying it. “They have more skills than American workers? They have more skills than German workers?” he pressed.
“The U.S., over time, began to stop having as many vocational kind of skills,” Cook explained. “I mean, you can take every tool and die maker in the United States and probably put them in a room that we’re currently sitting in. In China, you would have to have multiple football fields.”
Earlier in the interview, the conversation heated up just a bit when the subject turned to allegations that Apple  is a “tax avoider” and is “engaged in a sophisticated scheme” to shelter the $74 billion in revenue parked overseas.
“That is total political crap,” Cook fired back. He said he’d “love to bring it home” but doesn't because “it would cost me 40%... and I don’t think that’s a reasonable thing to do. This is a tax code, Charlie, that was made for the industrial age, not the digital age. It’s backwards. It’s awful for America. It should have been fixed many years ago. It’s past time to get it done.”
Cook also defended the company on the thorny issue of encryption, showed off Apple’s future headquarters and, again, talked about why he came out of the closet.
The show didn't reveal much in the way of headline-making news, like sales data on the Apple Watch or the outlook for driverless cars. The world’s most valuable company — and also one of its most secretive — knows how to control the message. 
“They don’t put the story out there until they have decided it IS the story they want to tell,” he said.
While fans surely enjoyed the view from the inside, others were unimpressed.
Stay with enloghomes we are at home...go nowhere 

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