Sunday 18 September 2022


There might be some information you may not value, or perhaps not have access to, until you are taken unaware. listen to what Ms. Kenny advises women and particularly mothers on the safety of toddler and kids.

Ms kenny is a  prolific  writer, a researcher with special  interest in child development. She put it as 

it's not a myth that women  are special being created to manage and can handle multi-task in a given time. A test conducted by UK Psychologist far back in 2004 shows that women have the potential to switch in- between task. imagine how she is always at an excited mode. Photo after the cut

Then the question comes. How safe is her toddler in the kitchen? 

Multi-tacking seems so easy when you are looking on the sideline, but the woman herself knows that  it is tacking, even more tedious and difficult when bringing a toddler or kid into the picture. 
A woman who has to take care of a baby learning to walk grasping everything at sight, understands how difficult it could be getting everything under control.  Then no body seems to be interested in all that. 
Really true, every member of the family seems to expect the woman to be in control of the situation in the kitchen and even everywhere at home. Then how best to protect these toddlers become the bone of contention. 

let's hear from you how best do you think we can safeguard  our kid while preparing meal for the family. in our next post we will try looking at some of  the contributions you have put down. 
Meet the writer 


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