Thursday 23 February 2017

JAMB Holds UTME in May

The Registrar, Joint Admission   and Matriculation Board, Prof. Ishaq  Oloyede. says the 2017/2018 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination will hold in may.

Oloyede made this known on Thursday, in Abuja during a Lecture in  Nigerian Academy  of :Letters He stated that   there was a delay in the sales of the form.due to logistic problem the board encountered.
 Prof. Ishaq Oloyede is assuring  all intending candidate to exercise patience as the the body is putting everything in place to make sure that the Examination does not clash with any other Examination.

He also clear the air on the offline sale of form saying there is nothing like offline form. He warn that no intending candidate should allow his or herself to be deceived by any body. He made it clear that when sales of form began it will be handled by the Nigerian Banks. He also said that there will be no scratch card

It  is advisable to make sure that you wait and get UTME form from the Bank.  Anybody giving you anything in the name of UTME form is fake be warned.    

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