Monday 14 November 2016

Can You Do This To Your Baby?

Tribal marks is common among  different group of people over the world. During the period of slave trade, most of the slaves were given mark either by using hot object on them or cutting their bodies with sharp objects.
Marks made on the skin which is called tribal marks is believed to  serve  a number of purposes.
But over the  period of time a number of parents have dropped it on  the ground that it deforms.

In Chana for example, the 1994  Parliament amended criminal Code of 1960  made tribal mark practice an illegal affair. Yet  a number of people still practiced it. Simply put tribal mark is against the Law of Chana.

In Nigeria, almost all tribe have one way or the order to inscribe a mark on children for one reason or the other.

These marks may be multiple, while in some tribe  is just a single mark. as below.

Some the reasons parent were giving tribal marks to their children includes
 As a mark of decoration, making their children look more appealing to the people.
Others do it as a mark of initiation into a particular society in the locality.or for medication purposes.
Others doing for the means of identification of  people from  a particular tribe.

But the salient question is why should a parent(s) in this present time still do that in the photo topmost to his or her child?

Will you do same to your child?


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