Wednesday 31 August 2016

Aero Contractors warming up To Cut Down Work Force

As  the harsh economic condition continued in the country, even as the GDP is tending below an integer. the  Aero Contractor has suspended its official flight schedule services. This is due to poor financial down turn of the company in the resent times.

Punchng reported on Monday 22nd August that the Airline were making moves to cut it work force.

Report  has  that the Airline was talking with the union on how it will cut down it work force in order to be in consonant with the present economic situation in the country. As at Wednesday Naira was going at 418 for a Dollar.

For the past six month the carrier has been struggling with its finances, therefore it plan suspension of operation from September 1, is not a surprise to many who has been washing the event of the carrier.
Their statement in part.

The impact of the external environment has been very harsh on our operational performance, hence management decision to suspend scheduled services operations indefinitely effective September 1, 2016, pending when the external opportunities and a robust sustainable and viable plan is in place for Aero Contractors to recommence its scheduled services.

“The implication of the suspension of scheduled services operations extends to all staffs directly and indirectly involved in providing services as they are effectively to proceed on indefinite leave of absence during the period of non-services.
Aero contractors is the second largest  commercial Air carrier in Nigeria. For now the suspension on  operation is indefinite starting September 1..

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