Thursday 26 May 2016


As unrest activities in the Niger Delta continued the Adviser to the President on Niger Delta stepped in with an aim of mediating, today reports

As militants continue to destroy oil facilities in the Niger Delta, the Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta Affairs, Gen. Paul Boroh, has warned the perpetrators that the Federal Government will not reward criminals with medals under the guise of seeking peace.
This has come just at the Amnesty coordinator has indicated his resolve to move into the creeks of the Niger Delta to hold peace talks with aggrieved individuals and groups to end the bombings that have substantially cut oil output and slowed Nigeria’s income in recent weeks.
Although the Federal Government is not dangling a fresh amnesty for the militants, the Special Adviser explained that the aim of going to the creeks was aimed at persuading the militants to stop further assaults on oil facilities and security agencies to prevent a crackdown by the Federal Government.
“The whole aim of my relocation to the Niger Delta creeks is to enable me to identify the aggrieved individuals and groups and hold extensive discussions with them on the need to keep the peace since the government is working hard to put things right in the Niger Delta and other parts of Nigeria,” the Presidential Amnesty Programme Coordinator, said last night.
“From available records, the federal government has not reneged on its amnesty package to the region and is working hard to improve the infrastructural needs of the Niger Delta, one of them being the Calabar-Lagos Coastal Railway which is already captured in this year’s budget.
“I therefore feel that is wrong for any individual or group to begin to launch attacks on oil installations and military personnel under the guise of fighting the Federal Government. Those who are perpetrating the crime should not that the government will not reward them for that act of destruction,” the SA said.To this end, Boroh has asked those involved in the renewed acts of economic sabotage against Nigeria, to retrace their steps or be ready for the consequences of such criminality, which has no basis whatsoever in the status of the region.
In a statement in Abuja, the Presidential Adviser said it was wrong for criminals to embark on wanton destruction of revenue-producing facilities after the Federal Government had already given general amnesty to militants and was actively training those who signed up to the programme.
Boroh drew the attention of those pressing for a new amnesty for the militants that the Federal Government had consistently kept faith with the implementation of the Amnesty it declared on June 25, 2009 and was drawing to an end with an exit strategy put in place.
Boroh said: “There is no plan to go back on the Amnesty Programme of the Federal Government and all men of goodwill in the Niger Delta should do all they can to support President Muhammadu Buhari’s peace and development effort in the region.
“Let it be made known that no amnesty programme lasts forever and that the one in the Niger Delta cannot be elastic. The programme had a set deadline had since expired but the President graciously extended it and put an exit strategy in place to cater for the interest of all,” Boroh, who handled the UN-backed peace and conflict resolution in Liberia and Sierra Leone, said.
“Any individual or group that engages in criminal destruction of economic facilities in the Niger Delta under the guise of militancy should understand that there are dire consequences for such acts and that the law enforcement agents will not fold their hands and watch them do so.
The Presidential adviser said that all those who were captured under the Presidential Amnesty Programme were being paid their wages monthly while those undergoing training were also being catered for and asked those causing trouble to sheath their sword.

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