Monday 4 January 2016


A few days ago, Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka predicted that those involved in the $2.1 billion arms deal saga will make an attempt to assassinate President Muhammadu Buhari. Little perhaps did he know ripples that might cause in the polity of a  nation like Nigeria. There have been serials of event this singular prophesy has instigated. Beside the wave this is creating in Nigeria, it is most likely the Vatican might get involved. only time will tell.
The latest of this development is the agitation this has spark in the South-East. A group (BSEYM) has issue a threat to the continuous peaceful existence of this great country Nigeria.    
However, a group, Buhari South-East Youth Movement, BSEYM, has threatened to shut down the country if anything happens to Buhari.
The group categorically stated that such attempt would automatically spell doom for the country.
In a statement in Umuahia, Abia State it was gathered that , Mr. Nwabueze Onwuneme, the leader of the  the group insisted that anyone with any knowledge of any plot against the President or the country to immediately divulge such to law enforcement agents.
The group urged well meaning Nigerians to resist “this small group that wants to kill this country,” and support President Buhari in his effort to sanitize the country.

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