Monday 7 December 2015


Nigeria’s richest women are three and a half times more likely to be overweight or obese than those in the lowest income bracket?
Nigerian women are getting fatter and scientists and health experts are taking notice.
 obesity is rising rapidly in Nigeria.
One of the studies researchers says;
Obesity is now not just a western problem, but an African one as well. By becoming wealthier, better educated and urbanised regions of Nigeria are gaining the attributes we would more commonly associate with western societies. This has brought both a change in lifestyle and diet that is reflected in finding that educated, wealthy women are much more likely to be obese than those living in more rural, traditional areas.
Ok . . . back to me.
Yes we know that a lot of Nigerian women are big and beautiful and we looooove them!
But we all should be concerned with the health hazards that come with being ‘big’!
High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Gout, Some Cancers, Back Pains, Joint Pains .  .  .
We recieve many calls from the Oga’s at home who are very unsatisfied with their woman’s size, her folds and mass but can’t just tell them.
And like we always tell them, many women don’t like being big and sincerely wish to do something about it, right now!
But . .  the kids . .the job. . .contracts . . . and other commitments.
Who has time to be going to gym every weekend or to jog or take a walk in the mornings?
So this question goes unanswered.
What’s the way out?
Before I talk about Clean 9, let me say this.
This product is not for anyone who wants to loose weight in 60 – 300 days doing exercises and dieting.
Nah. Mba . . .
Clean 9 is for You,

  • If You Need To Loose That Weight before Christmas and New year.
  • If You Need To Get Results Without Side Effects and Much Exercise programs.
  • If You Just want to feel healthy again.
  • you want more of this we will  be here next week

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