Thursday 31 December 2015

Image result for ALEX OTTIALEX OTTI The Governorship Election Appeal Tribunal sitting in Owerri, Imo State, has nullified the election Governor Okozie Ikpeazu of Abia State.
The court also declared Dr. Alex Otti of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, the winner of the April 11 and April 25 supplementary elections.
The five-member panel, headed by Justice Oyebisi Omoleye, annulled the election on the grounds of substantial non-compliance with the electoral law.
Delivering judgment in an appeal filed by Otti, the court said that the APGA candidate scored 164, 444 valid votes to defeat Ikpeazu who scored 114, 444 votes.
The court declared that Otti was the winner of the April 11 and April 25 supplementary elections in Abia State.
Omoleye said that the cancellation of the elections held in three LGAs of Obingwa, Osisioma Ngwa and Isiala Ngwa by the returning officers after the results were uploaded to INEC was wrong.
“In the Electoral Act, the Returning Officer has the right to only declare results of elections and not to cancel elections.
“This panel discovered that the earlier results uploaded to INEC headquarters correspond with the correct valid registered voters in the three LGAs, while that awarded to the respondent, shows over voting and therefore null and void.”
Omoleye had while reviewing preliminary objections and issues raised by both parties, struck out the preliminary objections by Ikpeazu’s counsel to the effect that the appeal lacked merit.
She also turned down the objection raised by the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, that the members of the panel were wrongfully constituted and affirmed the arguments of Otti’s counsel.
The appellate court maintained that the lower tribunal erred by not handling all the issues raised.
“It was wrong for the court to insist that because the appellant failed to appear in person, his matter will not be given due attention.
“For not appearing in person, the first appellant did not abandon his case,” she said.
After nullifying the election, the court insisted that there was no need to call for re-run because the results of the April 11 and 25 polls clearly present Otti as the genuine winner of the exercise.
The court therefore, directed INEC to issue Certificate of Return to Otti and swear him in as winner of the election.
In his reaction to the judgment, Mr Oracle Nwali, a lawyer in Otti’s legal team, described the victory as “an end of the year gift to APGA,” saying Otti would not disappoint Abia people.
On his part, Mr. Charles Esonu, the PDP scribe in Abia, said that party and its candidate would study the judgment and decide on the next line of action.


Image result for thank youIt never ceases to  amaze us how at this time every year, the whole world goes into a tizzy and frenzy as a single point to demonstration of gratitude for warm  and affection  that has  been poured to every lovely one likewise you have shown us such enormous cares.

Enloghomes is strongly awed and wowed beyond words at this level of love. We enjoyed the ward relationship and useful contribution you have given us over the year. At this point we sincerely want to say a big thank you for being our friend  and continue would.

We have come to understand that without you there wouldn’t be any Enloghomes. Having this understanding therefore energized us to keep you at our mind as the only individual that matters as far as Enloghomes is concern.

For your patronage, we say thank you.  For calls, we appreciate all you time.
As we are crossover to take over 2016, more smiles on your faces, joy in your hearts, heave of relief and all round good natured sweetness.

The best gift of peace which the Prince of peace has given  shall multiply in multiple fold for all of us
Make sure you visit at least twice a day for exciting information on recent events, lifestyles, technology, politics and more

Your contribution has been wonderful, we are looking forward for more as we cross over to 2016.

A prosperous new year to all of us.    




Abuja DISCO welcomes new electricity tariff reviewThe Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) yesterday backed the new tariff review and fixed charge removal announced last week by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), saying on its part, it assured customers of improved services.
In a statement in Abuja, the company reiterated its commitment to mass metering project, which has commenced a few weeks ago.
The firm, which said the ongoing pilot scheme would enable it to assess all challenges involved for it to evolve a more robust way of deploying the new meters across its coverage area of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Kogi, Nasarawa and Niger states, said the overall plan is to have all its customers metered within four to five years.
Head, Public Relations and Media of the firm, Ahmed Shekarau, said since the firm’s investment in the mass metering project has been captured in the new tariff regime approved by NERC, it would begin to roll out en-masse meters across its entire franchise area.
It said it has commenced assessment of the performance of the smart meters being installed in the pilot scheme currently ongoing.
Shekarau said: “To facilitate the mass metering project, the company said customer enumeration will commence early next year in order to obtain vital information that will be fed into each customer’s metering programme.
Besides, the company also reassured electricity consumers under its franchise of its renewed commitment to rapid improvement in the quality of its services to them, in line with the performance agreements it endorsed during the bid process.”
The company, which also pledged its commitment to fulfilling other obligations placed on it by the new tariff order in order to increase the amount and quality of supply to its customers, said it is working harder to raise the level of the investment so as to ensure better customer services across the coverage area.
GET the breaking from home...stay at home, we are at home.

Wednesday 30 December 2015


Image result for nnamdi kanu“I unreservedly apologize [for my Buhari remarks] and will be doing so in a private letter to the President.”
Those were the words of the leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) and Director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, in a statement he made while in the custody of the Department of State Security Services (DSS).
The hand written statement which was obtained and published by SaharaReporters is reproduced below:
“I can confirm that I, Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra worldwide is a legally registered and duly recognized body at the United Nations pursuing the rights of a specific indigenous people, in this case Biafra, to seek self-determination according to the said charter the reason for the formation of the Indigenous People of Biafra is to avail those referring to themselves as Biafrans the opportunity made available as a result of the United Nations Declaration to seek the peaceful re-Birth of Biafra in line with international laws, lack of holistic development in the socio-economic landscape of Nigeria, lack of youth employment, corruption in high offices, and economic repression.
“Opportunities no longer existed for the majority of the people, and especially young graduates to find meaningful employment in the job market, general hardship, brutal repression of civil and human rights coupled with system that shuns inward investment contributed to the thinking behind the formation of IPOB.
“The People of Biafra all over the world have particular emphasis on those residing in the diaspora it is not advised that those in Nigeria contribute. No contribution is accepted from those in political office or from organizations only individuals belonging to those organizations may choose to contribute if they wish to the volunteer force. IPOB is a group of people who may wish to group themselves together for the purpose of Evangelism or going out to the streets to distribute leaflets and preach the message of lawful existence of Biafra as stipulated in the UN Charter.
There is no armed conflict agitating and any reference to such is purely designed to stop the Nigerian Armed Forces ostensibly the police from coming out and killing innocent people
“IPOB volunteers are modeled on exactly the same tenet as the world renowned Salvation Army Front. Its ambitions are army but it does not carry any weapons. The same thing applies to the volunteers of IPOB. There is no arms training involved. I am the Director of Radio Biafra and solely responsible for the output the (genre?) of Radio Biafra is strictly to capture attention and imagination and not designed to incite anyone to violence.
“For very many years the Nigerian state and Nigerians in general have continued to witness poor economic management, fraud, corruption, and mismanagement of every sector of the economy. Therefore, as Radio Biafra programs were designed to wake up the public from their slumber and address the issues of the time, which is youth unemployment, lack of infrastructural provisions, poor electricity, an absence of rural development, and conspicuous absence of respect for human rights.
“The area as envisaged as Biafra are predominantly South-East and South-South territories having cultural, linguistic, traditional, and commonality in value system. Reference to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a terrorist, evil, and Paedophile is regrettable and uncalled for and for that I unreservedly apologize and will be doing so in a private letter to the President. Before PMP there was the administration of Goodluck Jonathan I also said some uncomplimentary things about him and Igbo elders as well, which I now recognize should have happened because it is un-African to be rude or insolent to elders. All I was trying to do is draw attention to the problems afflicting society and what society is doing about it.
“The areas intended for the Biafran being espoused by Indigenous People of Biafra are Cross River, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Anambra, Bayelsa Delta, Edo (but only Igbamke), Kogi (only Igala), and Imo States. The mission statement of Radio Biafra is dedicated to the defences of the rights of the indigenous people of Biafra and ultimately the restoration of the REpublic of Biafra in line with United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People
“Nnamdi Kanu


Story image for Buffett from CNBCThe decision   to come with some  nuggets of  general wisdom that Buffett might have for success  in life  took over my mind. This, I was looking for advice that might be appropriate for my resolution and determination in 2016, or for the good friends of mind who will be success minded. Somethings that I know after all, Buffett is 85 years old and even if one were to somehow ignore the $61 billion in net worth he has amassed over his lifetime, it’s arguable that in many ways he has lived an exemplary life. reading about is success is what a good number has found interesting. Forbes chronicles the lives of  many successful billionaires but few are as admired and respected as Buffett  (by contrast think of the travails of Donald Trump and Stewart Rahr).  Buffett has a Jimmy Stewart quality – he is both ethical and humble.

Below you will find 10 of Warren Buffett’s “life” quotes that I think could benefit just about anyone—even those who have no interest in investing. In some ways Warren’s wisdom represents the wisdom of people born during the Great Depression in a nation, great mindset, great decision and action.

 “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you will drift in that direction

This is Warren coming down in favor of nurture in the old “nature versus nurture” argument.  It makes me think of the practice of “keeping the bar high” especially during the formative years.  One practical application would be to send  your children to the most competitive, rigorous school they can get into and you can afford. You will save no money in the long run sending your offspring to a college where she will not be challenged and is generally at a higher level intellectually than all of her peers

“Money to some extent sometimes lets you be in more interesting environments. But it can’t change how many people love you or how healthy you are.”
We all know people who neglect their families and health in pursuit of the hard currencies. Just think of 19th century miser, Hetty Green, once the richest woman on Wall Street. By most accounts she lived miserably, her children resented her and despite her goal of keeping her $100 million fortune in tact it was eventually dispersed and she has long since been forgotten

“What the wise do in the beginning, fools do in the end.”
Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared” comes to mind for this one. When you set out to accomplish a goal, do your research first and lay the proper groundwork to succeed. Many investors for example, make impulsive stock buys, say for hot IPOs, and then sit down to do the hard work of assessing the actual value of the company after the stock is in their portfolio.

“The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.
Buffett’s highly selective 60-plus year investing history is an excellent example. He and Charles Munger have turned down or “passed” on many more stocks than have actually pulled the trigger on.

“Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.”
No matter who you are dealing with, remember to consider motives of any person sitting across the table from you. Virtually everyone has their own agenda.

"I insist on a lot of time being spent almost everyday,to just sit and think.That is very uncommon in today's business. I read and think. So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business.”
We live in an “always on” world of acute information overload.  There’s a constant pressure to take action, hit reply, search, respond. Put down the smartphone, turn off the TV and just take some time out to think.

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
This is especially important advice for young people who are tempted by short cuts and will sometimes cross ethical or legal boundaries either because they either don’t agree with them, or because everyone else seems to be doing it. I am reminded of a famous young man in the 80s got himself involved in trading scheme that in the end afforded him a mere $31,000 in financial gain. His career and any chance of ever working in the profession he loved was ruined, he spent nine months in a federal prison and has been forced to live and work in relative obscurity ever since.

“You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.”
This quote reminds me of advice former professional tennis player, coach and best-selling author Brad Gilbert gives in Winning Ugly. In the book he asserts that the most successful recreational tennis players are the ones who make the least mistakes on the court. This works in life too. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or be the smartest guy in the room. Just avoid dumb mistakes.

“If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.”
Most of us, save the thrifty billionaires like Buffett, are guilty of accumulating unnecessary stuff. For some its designer shoes or handbags, for me it’s probably a few too many guitars.

“There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.”
 This is Buffett's approach to investing in businesses with straightforward, easy to understand, business models.

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